Chapter Eighteen

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I was getting in Drew's car and he was going to drive me home.... To Katie and Peter.

I can't do this.

"D-D-rew... I can't. Go home. I-I can't," I said my voice shaking.


I stood in front of his car frozen not being able to move.

I didn't even notice Drew had approached me and standing beside me.

"You know you can't avoid them," Drew whispered.

I didn't reply. I knew he was right like it was so obvious he was right.

"Andy we make mistakes, though we have to try to fix them to the best of our abilities and learn from them. Now the clock is ticking and your brother is probably out of his mind. You owe it to him to go home and tell him what's going on because obviously Andy something is wrong," Drew said in a soothing voice, a way a mother would tell her daughter advice on stuff and it made you feel safe and warm inside.

I giggle at the thought of Drew as a mom and Drew raises his eyebrows, " What?" He asked with a confused smile plastered on his face.

" Oh, nothing," I reply quickly and take a shaky breath, " Umm... lets get going." 

Drew nodded and we entered the car, throwing my bags at the bag, " Do you know where my hous-" I started to ask Drew but he waved his hand stating he's got it.

We drove in silence. I didn't mind it actually because I was too busy lost in my own thoughts.


" Andy, we're here," Drew's voice said cutting through my thoughts.

We were parked in front of my house gates.

" Oh!" I said unbuckling my belt and turned towards Drew, "Thank you Drew, for everything. You really helped me out. Thank you for not asking questions. Thank you for, for everything," I sighed.

" Your welcome Andy," He said simply, but the way he said those simple words with such care and it just gave the words more meaning to them.

I grabbed my bags and opened the car door but then turned around quickly and kissed Drew on the cheek, " You have a nice car,"  and smiled then shut the car door and flashed a wave then buzzed myself through the front gates of my house.


When I walked in I saw Peter sitting on the stairs near the door waiting for my arrival.

He had a face of pure concearn. God, I made him be like that.

Peter got up from the steps and approached me, " I-I-m sorry I didn't come home early and didn't listen to you and made you and Katie worry. Gosh peter all I'm doing is making you worried and concerned but it's just I don't know I keep doing these things and acting like this. I don't know why

Peter-" I started to ramble and shake that I dropped my bags and tears formed in my eyes.

Peter grabbed me pulling me into a hug, " Shh Andy," He said smoothing my hair.

Then Katie came from the kitchen and saw me and rushed over and joined the hug while I kept sobbing I'm sorry.

When I finally pulled myself together. Peter and Katie made me sit on the couch and tell them where I was and all that.

So I told them everything, including track which I was going to avoid but it's better they found out now then later. I told them everything except Ian. I did tell them I was was walking past the soccer field and then the whole Drew encounter except in my version.

They of course gave me speeches and we talked it out, " I want you to have your phone on always," Peter declared.

After the talk, we ate and we were good. Damn, that wasn't that hard. 

Peter gave me dotor's orders handind bandages and stuff and told me he'd notify the school I wouldn't be participating in gym because of a leg injury and told me to talk to Coach Hal about track... if I made it of course.

 But I barley listened to Peter, the thoughts in my head were all jumbled and I couldn't think properly.

Katie also took Lizzie's- my gym clothes saying she'd give them a wash, telling me I needed to order a gym suit from the school when I got the chance.She also apologized for giving me skinny jeans to wear over the bandage.

After I got through Katie and Peter, I entered my room and cleaned my bag and put Lizzie's kit bag and shoes.. I mean my kit bag and shoes to the corner of my room and dumped my bag near the door.

I thanked God for me having no homework again today. I finished the bit of work they gave at school.

I striped off my clothes and changed into a large black t-shirt and underwear then jumped under the covers and put myself to sleep.

I didn't spend a second thinking of today's events, it was a long day.


Sorry for a boring rushed chapter :/

I just really wanted to start the next chap which will be Drew's and his perspective of the day.

Please let me know if you like the book so far and comment below and vote :) it's means a lot.


P.S. Going to start dedicating chapters to readers cause they mean so much!

*not edited

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