Continue the Adventure

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Fans of Siena and Sember, your journey doesn't have to end yet! I am proud to say that I am ready to share the next installment of the Forestfolk series! You may cheer now. Go ahead, I'll wait. ;)

Book 3 is called... Nirrin. Yes! She finally gets her own story!

You might be thinking, "Nirrin? Really? But she's not even gifted!"

I know. This was why I was iffy about my idea in the first place. But her sass stood apart from the rest, and she eventually began whispering into my ear about story ideas. Okay, if you've been following the series, then you know she's not likely to be whispering anything. She probably would have sat me down and given me a five-minute verbal assault about why she deserved her own story, Nirrin style. (Plus, she wants a man of her own.) She's spunkier than Siena and Sember combined, and hopefully that makes up for her lack of powers.

You ready to check it out? Then get over there and add it to your library! I've added an external link to it to help you.

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