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In the months after returning home, Goben missed Vina and talked about her constantly. He eventually came up with an excuse to assemble a small convoy and head back to Odavik. After winter, of course. It wasn't a surprise when Goben chose to stay there, promising to come back before the next winter settled in. I think he planned to live in Odavik, but spend winters in Foresthome, because he just wasn't ice-proof.

Siena and Remi embarked on another journey to all the tribes. When they returned, they reported that, although some of their numbers had been decimated, there were no more plague sufferers.

As for Jastin and me, we were taking it one day at a time. He was incredibly popular during summer, when people clambered for ice or one of his snowballs. Drizzled with honey, it was a tasty treat. To say that life was sweet now would be an exaggeration. Controlling my gift was still a daily struggle. But it was definitely better when people no longer walked wide circles around me, and I had a handsome fellow who enjoyed my company.

The best part was, day by day, I felt less and less like a monster. I'm not sure I'll ever get rid of that feeling altogether, but with Siena's help, Jastin's affection, and people actually talking to me like a normal person, I was slowly getting there. Sure I could still make a pair of pants burst into flames, but pants could be replaced, and people weren't afraid of me anymore. I might never be normal—ever—but now... I was okay with that.

And that concludes our journey with Sember. I've enjoyed having you with me! Vote before you go? (Stay tuned for information on what I'm working on next!)

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