Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 (Christine's POV):

As I viewed Raoul's dead body, the knife fell from my cold hands.

I was in utter awe. How could I have done this? I am a murder. I am a monster. Thoughts raved through my head.

A butter knife. Of all things. I killed my fiancé with a butter knife. The thoughts continued.

Falling to the ground with large sobs, I replayed all the events throughout my head until I had reached one realization.

I killed a man. A wealthy, well known man... Erik. Erik. Erik. He was the only thing I could think of.
Shoving any other thoughts aside, I wiped away the beading tears upon my face.

I ran to my cupboard and grabbed an old cloak that was brown, with torn beading.

Taking the weapon that Raoul was murdered with, I slashed the cloak one hundred times over. This way no one would believe that a princess would be among them.

The commons. That's where I had to go. There I would be hidden from all of reality.

I then ran to the large window that encompassed my imprisonment and ripped down one of the curtains, and tied it around my waist into a knot...

Running toward the open door, I had to think of a plan. A plan that would allow me and Erik to escape and to never be found.

really short chapter for you all bc i wanted to say i'm going to try daily uploads! i hope y'all are stilling enjoying the story!

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