Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 (Christine's POV):
We didn't even get to another commune or kingdom. We got a mile away from the castle and here we are again. Back in the cold, frigid dungeon.

Hours after we are brought back, Erik is still unconscious and my throat is still throbbing from my continuous screaming.

That night I woke up to fetch some water, after contemplating my fate all night, then that is when the guards spotted me. They were looking for me. Already. Someone had to have it out for me.

Someone wanted my head on a silver platter.

I looked through the rusted bars of my cell and looked across to Erik's. His body twitching and shivering in unconsciousness...

Loosing track of time, I started to dose off into a unsettling sleep. That was until the door to the dungeon latched open, and loud footsteps of heals emerged.

A woman with a yellow gown and a white head dress came into view. Her blonde hair cascaded down her back and a fair amount of glitter, glistened upon her lips.

Her aura was all too familiar. Somewhat kind, then evil with grimace and bitterness.

"A-Amelia." I croaked as I shuffled on my feet and stumbled towards the bars.

"Oh, Darling. You don't look well." she stated as she laughed as though she had a reason to be grim.
She clanked her rings up against the rusted bars of my cell and hummed a tune.

"That song. That is my fam-"

"Family's royal symphony. That's correct... You see, when you killed your fiancé you were disowned by the blood line. I was the hero. I took your place, as princess of the kingdom." Amelia told me, laughing in spite.

In a jump, I pounced towards the bars and tried to slam my body against her.

The cold bars brought me to a halt, in agonizing pain.

"Why you may ask? Why did I turn you in? Why did I take place as heiress? You took the man I love. You stole Erik from me." Amelia harshly spoke.

"Y-You kissed him once. You know n-nothing about him." I made out, tending to my bruised arm.

"Ungrateful Christine... Talk back to me one more time, and i'll have the royal " she added as she turned her back and walked to Erik's cell.

Still unconscious, Erik laid in the cold as Amelia gazed upon him.

"Erik. My beauty. Once the time is right, you shall be mine."

"Best of luck with that, for he is not of the royal blood." I shouted from my cell, my voice still starchy and raw.

"Oh, Christine. You have no idea what I am capable of." Amelia said as she beckoned the nearby guards.
"It is time to take them to their sentencing. In front of... The king" she added, looking me in the eye and laughing.

"F-Father?" I asked.

With that, the guards unlocked my cellar and took me to my father's throne room. Erik following close behind.

(Erik's POV):

I awoke with fog glistening over my eyes, a sharp pain searing my side. Someone was screaming.


"NO. Don't hurt him!"

"HUSH. HE WILL NOT AWAKEN." I heard a guard reply.

As I started to move my body slowly, the pain stopped and another guard gripped my shackles tighter.

I looked around in the fog and saw Christine in shackles and the King sitting on his throne.

Amelia next to the throne, smiling with grimace.

"I am pleased to see that you have awoken." Gustave stated, rising from his former position. His cane in hand.

"It has come to my attention that you attempted to murder the Vicotme when he was taking a stroll in the commons. That you wished to be with one of royal blood. That you helped a felon escape from the kingdom." Gustave said to me as he looked at Christine, who was starting at the wooden floor boards.

"Now that Christine is a murderer and took the life of her fiancé, she is no longer of the royal blood." Amelia added.

"Y-you will never be of the royal blood. E-ever." I made out. Looking at her as she smiled. She walked over to me and leaned down towards my face.

Within seconds, she tore off my mask and slapped me until I went numb. Still, I sat quietly.

"Well there is good news." Gustave said as he walked towards my beauty.

"You can marry him. You can be with him. You have lost your title of Princess, therefore you will be drained of the royal blood."

"W-what do you mean?" I questioned the King.

"She will be drained of the royal blood."

Christine is to be killed.

"Let us hope and pray you may find each other in the afterlife." stated that phony. That woman who was pretty of face, but ugly of heart.

In that very moment, a feel of warm vengeance ran through me. Adrenaline pumped through me and I ripped away from my chains. Sending puddles of blood to cascade from my hands.

I let out a large roar as I ran towards Gustave. I pulled out a shard of rusty metal from my shackles, that was embedded in my skin.

As I plunged it through the King's heart, a sharp pain ran through my back.

A steel arrow.

As I pulled it out of my back, I charged towards the two guards that once held me and Christine.


She was gone.

In that moment I summoned all of the force I held. I plunged through the guards and heard a shriek escape from Amelia.

Looking around laid Gustave and the guards. Gorged
in blood. Amelia covered in the king's blood.

Realizing what I had done, I ran out of the throne room as fast I could. With one goal in mind.

Finding Christine.

As I thought of my angel, I somehow made it out of the castle unscathed anymore than I already had been.

In a flash, I threw myself in the moat surrounding the castle and swam to the commons.

There I saw a brown cloak dash far away from the kingdom and into the treacherous woods.

I quickly followed behind, a trail of blood marking my path.

new chapter! what do you think?
-MaskedPhanguy (Seth)

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