Final Chapter

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Final Chapter (Erik's POV):

I ran for what seemed like hours, trying to find my Christine. This is was all so surreal to me... I was chasing after a woman, who would actually embrace me when I approached her. That is something that I would never fully understand.

As blood dripped from my hands, my head throbbed uncontrollably. The thing that kept me going was the thought of holding her once more. Everything would be as it should... This woman just sacrificed herself for me. She gave up her crown to a petty wench, and committed treason on various accounts.
That was the greatest sacrifice I had ever witnessed, and it was all for me. For us. For Our Forbidden Love.

After countless hours of running, I found her. I did not find her on a map or by the help of coordinates. She simply appeared to me. Somehow, I just faded into peace and there she was. Reaching her hand out to me, standing next to a figure engulfed in white... She chose me. I thought.
In that moment, the world faded away. It held no significance and it did not exist. There was no King who could tell us wrong, there was no kingdom who looked down upon others. All that existed was peace.


As I put down my quill, Christine walked into my study. Baby upon her hip. "Angelina Rose!" I chimed, arising from my parchment.
"Erik, you must take a break from your stories. You have been writing for what seems like an eternity!" Christine stated, handing over our second born to me. As she walked over to my writings, she sighed heavily.
"Why must you always write of how our love was never meant to be? Of how I was too majestic for you?" my love asked, as a single tear fell down her face.
"That is because I will never understand why you chose me, Mon Ange." I told her, wiping away the tear.
"I will always choose you. Always."
"And I you, my Christine." I stated, as Angelina Rose  showcased a large smile.
"Now you must help Gustave with his studies." Christine told me, planting a kiss upon my head and taking Angelina back.
"Yes, but first I have to do this." I confidently stated, walking over to the pile of parchment I had written my fantasy on.
"Our love is not forbidden. It is graced. It is beautiful." I added, throwing the parchment into the fire.

[The End]

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