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Trey pov

Its been two weeks since I went to court and got off with probation.  I was sitting in my cell waiting for my boy Dre to come pick me up. I laid back on the bed and ran my hands through my hair.  "come on punk your ride is here"said the police.  I'm glad I'm getting out of here cause I swear I would have killed him. I picked up my stuff and followed him only to see Laniyah, Ty'kia,  Jade &Jaden, and Jaylen . I wondered where my nigga Dre was.  I wasn't tripping.  I walked over extending my arms out as Laniyah ran and jumped directly in them. I hugged her so tight I didn't want to let go. I gave Laniyah a kiss on the forehead and put her on my left hip. With my free arm I gave Jaylen a dap and Ty'kia a side hug. I said Hey to Jade and Jaden.  After 5 minutes of reuniting we headed to Jaylen car. We made sure the kids was safe in the car then we left. It feels good to be a free man. I  laid my head back and closed my eyes as my mind wandered off to the guy I met in jail named Tj.  He got out a week before me and he said he wanted to be put on game with me. Since I let 10 niggas go I'm going to need a few more to build back up my gang ,so why not put him on he seemed trust worthy and cool anyway. As soon as looked out the window I seen I was back in the Hood. I got out and was greeted by the same crackheads that sat across the street from my house. I grabbed Laniyah and my bags and headed inside my house.  I took out the gold key that was in my bag and twist the key in the key hold 180° and the door opened up. When I seen my living room was a mess my heart dropped.  I just stood in the door way observing my house. I felled Jaylen coming up behind me.  "Oh my gosh Trey " I heard Ty'kia say. I still was stuck in the same position until I heard gun shots. *Pow!  pow!  pow!* My first instinct was to Cover Laniyah.  After 3 minutes on the ground I got up to see if everybody was Alright.  "Oh my gosh my babies"yelled Ty'kia. I instantly got up and ran towards the car where Ty'kia and jaylen were running to. We reached the car and seen Jade and Jaden sleep.  I watched as Ty'kia checked the twins . She looked up and said "their okay " a sign of relief filled my eyes. "get in the car Ty'kia "jaylen demanded . She did as she was told and me and Jaylen walked up to the front of the house where Laniyah was still Laying on the ground.  When we finally reached her she was whispering something I guess she was praying. "Laniyah baby are you okay " I said breaking the silence .She looked up and excitement filled her eyes ",daddy you alive "she said while jumping on me."daddy isn't going anywhere"I assured her."Laniyah I need you to go to the car now "Jaylen told her. She jumped down off me and ran to the car. Jaylen waited till Laniyah was in the car to talk."Trey what the he'll was that all about "he yelled."man I don't know "I calmly said. "What you mean you don't know we almost was killed because of you "he yelled. I looked down on the ground hoping to find a answer. "do you hear me Trey I told you not to be in the gang!  I told you Trey!  you have a daughter now!  stop putting her threw this stuff! now let's go "he yelled while walking back to his car. I locked the door only to be stopped by a note "nigga ima kill you and your daughter lil bitch Who puts they hands on a girl hmm you got another thing coming watch your back " the note read.  I snatched the note and tore it to me pieces.  I looked the door and closed it.  I jogged to the Harlem car and we took off. I was pissed.  Who was that.  I gotta kill them before they kill me and That's a fact.  I thought Jaylen was going to my other house but he didn't. "where we going "I asked ."to Chicago "jaylen simply said.  I just sat back and rode thinking he was joking.  

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