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jaylen pov

one week later

It's been one week since I got in that gang with my cousin.  I made a couple of drops from time to time.  I liked what I was seeing 3k in 3 days. Man That's more than I make in 2 weeks at my business.  I been buying new everything and I know kia getting suspicious but whatever.  I pulled up to the jewelry shop and picked up the the marriage rings that I ordered.  We been engaged for three years so it's time for our wedding.  After I left the jewelry store I dropped by Trey house . Yup Trey moved up here with us in his own house. Everything has been going good. But his boy TJ I don't trust not one bit. Pulling up in Trey drive way I spotted Terry car.  I killed the engine and got out my car.  I put the rings in my pocket and knocked on the door.

"Who is it"I heard Trey yelled. "The police nigga" I said trying not to laugh. The door swung open and I bust out laughing. "pussy ass nigga stop playing "he yelled. I finally got my laughing in control and I walked in. I seen Terry smoking a blunt.  I walked over to him and we gave each other a dap.  Me and Terry is close he been my boy since 9th grade I ain't never known him to step into the drug game he was good as he'll in basketball all bull shit aside. He passed me the blunt and i inhale and exhale it like I was a pro but I only smoked two times in my life. We sat and laugh the whole entire time just talking about memories back then. "ay haha you remember you couldn't dance " laughed Trey.  I remember I ask Cindy out to the dance and I just did the same Michael Jackson move the whole time.  We all laughed. "you remember mom's beat yo ass when you had that girl in her bed "I laughed."she whooped yo ass"added terry as he bust out in laughter ."fuck y'all "Trey said. "was it worth it"Terry asked trying not to laugh. "nawww "he said.  "that bitch was ugly ass shit"I said.  We all bust out laughing. "Bucked teeth Jane " Trey said.  We laughed louder.  Then Laniyah came from downstairs. "sup lil Cuz" I said pulling her into a hug."I'm about to bounce yo" I told them. I gave them each a dap and left. I was driving down the street trying to get to my house when I seen a car accident.  That made me tense up. I remember when Kia was in one.10 minutes later I pulled up to the house . I checked my phone and seen I had 27 miss calls and 6 text's from Kia.  I looked again and seen it was 10:25 . I rubbed my hands threw my dreads.  I already know what's about to happen. I killed the engine and got out. I closed the door and locked them all. I pulled my key out and opened the door . When I got in everything was dark. I closed the door back and locked it and the lights came on. I pulled out my gun that was on my waist.  "Where you been "Kia asked coming down the stairs.  "The fuck Kia man don't be doing that "I said while putting my gun back on my waist. "where you get a gun from what is this Who is this" she yelled. I was confused ass fuck.  I walked up the stairs passing her."Jaylen you know you hear me"she yelled following me. "you better be quiet you wake my kids up and I swear -" ."you swear what, what you gone do"she yelled. I made it to the room and took off my shoes. "are you cheating "she asked.  "cheating?  the fuck come on be serious "I said while put on some gym shorts. "your clothes smell like weed, this is not you jaylen are you in the drug game" she asked. I can see the tears forming. " man why you smelling my clothes, the fuck Kia take yo ass to sleep "I yelled. "are you "she yelled.  I couldn't lie to her. "Yes "I calmly said.  A tear slipped from her eye and felled down her cheek. "wha-what?" she managed to get out. "look I need to take care of us I'm doing this for us " I explained. "doing this for us?  No you doing this for you!  HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF A JOB  you have a business a shoe business at that what the he'll is going on" she yelled. "Man I told you to quit all that yelling, I'm just gone save up for us then I'm out and besides you don't complain when I'm buying your ass stuff "I snapped. "I can get a job I don't need you "she yelled. "bounce then bye "I said calmy.  I knew those words killed her."look I can. get out when ever I feel like it so just chill" I said. " you can't just get out of the game  dumb ass and bounce Oh I see now maybe I will. matter fact quit the drug game now "she yelled. "I can't I told you I have to save enough to last a life time for us "I told her. "you don't care"she cried. "I do care otherwise I wouldn't be doing this " I told her."naww you don't care you choosing the streets over your family, don't you know what you getting yourself into?  wait no you don't you hanging with your stupid cousin Who breaking up this family, don't you know you can get us killed not only us YOU. YOU seen what happened that day when Trey almost got all of us innocent people killled!  "she yelled with tears falling down her face. I knew she was right but I love this money I'm getting. "I rather be down and out before doing some illegal "she yelled.  "man I'm going to Sleep "I said trying to pull the cover on me but she pulled it off."man stop playing "I yelled.  She smirked and left out the room.  20 minutes later I smelled smoke. I instantly got up and ran down stairs only to see my clothes on fire outside. "the fuck Kia "I yelled while she lit a cigarette and laughed. "get out and don't come back "she yelled. "this is my house "I yelled. "you right we leaving then "she said putting out the cigarette. "man I'll leave then "I told her. I went upstairs and put back on the clothes I had on from the today and left the house . it was 11:00 and night . I felt the box with the rings in my pocket.  I threw the box with the rings in it out the window.  I sped down the long, dark, silent street to the nearby hotel.  I got out and checked in. She gave me a key and I went right to the room.  When I got there I closed the door and laid on the bed and went to sleep immediately. 

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