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Jaylen POV


All I know is yayo, Every time she hit the block that ho she be on go mode

And if you try to rob me, swear the God that be a no-no

Sauced up and I'm loco and you niggas know so" I woke up to my alarm going off.  I sat up and seen a sleeping Ty'kia.  I slowly got up out of the bed and went to the bathroom to do my hygiene stuff.  After 5 minutes of brushing my teeth and  washing my face I headed to jade room to wake her up, then jaden.  I ran jade bath water in my bathroom in my room and jaden bath water in his room.   I made sure they was in and then I went to pick out they clothes . Today was their first day back to head start.  I went into Jaden room and picked out him a

green collar polo RL shirt, black cargo shorts, Black Nike socks, boxers, and his KD 6 "Texas" . I laid all that stuff out on his bed and walked into jade room to pick out her stuff.   I picked out a pink  Polo RL collar shirt, white  skinny jeans, her panties, and her  KD 6 "ice cream". After that she walked in.  "Jade dry off, lotion your body, and put on your clothes now "I told her. "okay daddy"she replied.   I left out her room and went in Jaden room.  He was fully dressed.  "daddy I got swag "he said while popping his collar.  I laughed at my son he act just like me. I went over to the box I gave him with jewelry in it. I picked out a gold cross necklace, one tl diamond earring,  and a gold Rolex. I put it on him and then I brushed his curly hair . After that I was done."there you go lil man now you got swag like your daddy "I laughed.  He laughed.  "ay man did your brush your teeth? "I asked him. "no "he said. "go brush your teeth now you don't want stinky breath when you talking to a pretty girl now do you "I told him. "no daddy "he said. "that's my boy now go brush your teeth"I said. I went out of Jaden room and back into Jade room. She was fully dressed . I got a white bow and some rubber bands. I brushed her wet hair into a high pony tail and put the bow in. I went to her jewelry box and picked out a silver heart necklace, her diamond earrings, and her white Rolex. When I was done I heard laughing.  I turned around to see a fully dressed Ty'kia.  "what's funny"I asked.  "you being a good daddy "she smiled.  "how about you be a good mother and cook "I smiled.  She laugh ."Alright daddy "she said while walking out. "don't start Nothing you can't finish "I yelled After her.  I grabbed Jade hand and went to Jaden room. I took pictures of both of them. 2 pics together and 1 of each by themselves. After I was done taking pictures I told them to go down stairs.  I went to take a shower and got out. I put on the same thing jaden had on . I wore my dreads down today. I walked downstairs and seen everybody eating.  I grabbed my plate and started grubbing.  After 10 minutes of eating we left. 

"all you ladies pop you p like this pop pop your p like this" Jaden song. I turned the station quick.  "jaden watch your mouth"I yelled.  Jaden and Jade bust out laughing so did Ty'kia.  I didn't find nothing funny. After 20 minutes of driving we pulled up to the head start school.  I grabbed there book bags out of the trunk and grabbed Jade hand and Ty'kia grabbed Jaden hands.  We walked in the school and I sign them in. "there so cute" said a lady at the front. "Thanks "I said.  We followed her to their they class. Jaden and Jade had different classes. "noo jay come with me"cried Jade.  At home she always fight jaden and mess with him now she wanna show him love.  I guess that's their bond. "jade go in the class jaden can't come"I told her. She started crying as she went in the classroom. "dad will I see jade "jaden ask while we are walking down the hall to his classroom. "yes you will "I said."why she cwrying "he said. I didn't say a word After that.  We made it to his classroom and he walked in like a g.  "that's my boy"I yelled. Ty'kia hit me in the arm."what" I said. "you a trip "she laughed.  "Dad tell jade I wuv  her "he said. I almost shed a tear like a lil bitch.  "OK"I said.  After that we walked back to the car and got in."wassup with your bipolar kid's "tykia laughed. "I don't know they acting like they like each other knowing when they at home they can't stand each other"I laughed. 

After 30 minutes of driving and laughing I pulled up to Trey house.  I know we ain't talking  but laniyah supposed to start school today . I made it to his house and me and Kia got out. I knocked on the door and tj opened the door ."move "I said.  He moved and I walked in. "Where Trey "I yelled. "um uh he gone ".he said nervously. Kia went upstairs to laniyah room then she came out screaming ."jaylen laniyah has been raped, she bleeding "she cried.  My face turned from shock till dangers.  I look at TJ Who looked like he just pissed his self.

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