baby i missed you

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Ty'kia POV

I looked around and noticed  I was in a king size bed. I sat up and stretched as a soft yarn escaped my mouth.  It was quiet and Jaylen  wasn't on the side of me. I got up and brushed my teeth, washed my face, and threw my hair in a messy bun. I explored the house. I noticed two things . This house was bigger than our last house, and everybody was gone. I made my way from the back yard to the kitchen . The kitchen was super big. The kitchen was blue with white decorations.  I bent over to take some eggs out the refrigerator when I was lifted up.  I automatically started kicking and screaming. Only to hear laughter.  I calm down as soon as I noticed Jaylen put me down.  "what is wrong with you " I yelled trying to catch my breath.  Trey and Jaylen just kept laughing.  I took the eggs that I dropped and throw it at them."ay kia stop this a new shirt "Jaylen yelled.  I just gave him a smirk and walked back to the kitchen. All of a sudden I felt some white stuff go in my mouth.  Letting the taste please my taste buds I instantly ran to the sink to rinse my mouth out. I turned around as flour was tossed on me. I looked at Jaylen as he was in laughter . I took some rice from the cabinet and threw it on him. I filled a cup of water up as he threw pancake mix in my hair. I threw the water on him and ran.  I ran as past as I could as I climbed the stairs. But it was no use because Jaylen caught me and threw me on his shoulders.  "Jaylen put me down I quit "I laughed.  We made it to the room I woke up in. He threw me on the bed and climbed on top of me. We stared into each other's eyes ."move I gotta take a shower thanks to you "I laughed while pushing him off me but he didn't move. "I love you Kia "he said while still looking in my eye's. I felt a smile grow onto my face. "I love you to "I smiled.  He got off me and I got up.  As I was walking to the bathroom that was in the room he smacked my butt."bastard "I yelled while laughing.  I turned on the shower and started stripping.  I took off my pants, shirt, panties, bra, and socks.  I took my hair out of a messy bun since pancake mix was in my hair I had to wash it.  I stuck my hand in the shower to make sure it was warm enough.  I hoped in and immediately starting cleaning my body. I heard the door open and closed. "Jaylen is that you "I asked. I was getting kinda scared. I seen to many scary movies when stuff happen like this. Getting no reply.  I felt the shower curtains pull back.  I got scared until I seen Jaylen naked. My eyes filled with relief until my eyes wandered to his friend. My eyes grew wide I just stared. "like something you see  "he smirk.  My eyes traveled up from his friend to his abs and all the way up until I reached his face. "whatever punk"I said. "you going to let me in or you just going to stand there "he asked. I didn't notice I was looking at his friend again.  My face lit up in embarrassment ."uh um sure"I said stepping to the left. He got in and pulled the shower curtain back..He took the soap and my towel and started to wash my back. The soft touch made me tingle up.  Me and Jaylen haven't did anything in 3 years.  After that I washed my face and was About to get out until he grabbed my arm. I turned around and our lips crashed together.  He kissed me soft and passionately.  He sucked my bottom lip causing me to let out a soft moan.  He kissed my lips some more before planting Sweet soft kisses on my neck. His touch made me tingle up inside making my body want him more and more. He picked me up and started to lick and suck on my inner thighs.  I started moaning a little louder than I was. Then I felt something warm enter me. I started moaning louder and I started breathing faster as he licked and sucked on my clit.  I was just about to cum until he stopped and made his way up to my face.  He looked me in the eyes and smiled.  He put me down and got out the shower.  I heard the door close back. I instantly became pissed. How he going to start something and not finish it.  I washed off two more times. I turned off the water and got out. I wrapped the green towel around me and walked out the bathroom.  Only to see Jaylen watching tv. We made eye contact and he gave me a smirk.  He got up and headed to the bathroom . I'm guessing to brush his teeth.  I dried off and added lotion to  my body. I went into the closet and seen my clothes.  I smiled and picked out my basketball shorts . I went to the dresser where my panties and bra was. I put on my matching bra and panties set.  I then put on my basketball shorts and grabbed one of Jaylen long white tee shirts. After I was done Jaylen was making his way to the bed.  I went inti the bathroom and brushed my wet hair into a ponytail. I came out and headed downstairs. I seen the mess we made was cleaned up . I walked to the backyard to see Trey, Jade, Laniyah, and Jaylen playing.  I smiled and went back in the house. I walked upstairs and seen Jaylen laughing at the TV. I swear this boy slow.  He seen me staring at me and shook his head."it's rude to stare "he said.  I made my way over to the bed and sat on his lap. We stared into each other eye's in silence . Then he broke the silence talking about how things were when I wasn't here.  We talk and laughed all day just catching up. I swear I love my soon to be husband I wouldn't trade him for Nothing in this cold hearted world T&J forever and ever.

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