Final chapter

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So here Lauren stood, on the front porch that belonged to someone she's only met a handful of times. She's never felt this nervous. Though she knew exactly what she had planned this day, no one else had any clue. It was a plan she had been arranging for a little while now.

She had flown to Miami without Camila, the day after March third, the smaller girl's birthday. It was their fourth year anniversary and she knew even though Camila had granted her permission to go to Miami a couple hours early, that she was most likely pissed off. But she hoped after today, everything would go as planned.

Lauren wiped her clammy hands on her jeans and brought her fist to the navy blue colored door and knocked three times and then took a step back. She heard footsteps on the other side of the door and felt her nerves increasing rapidly. The door swung open and revealed a mini Camila on the other side.

"Hey Sofia," Lauren greeted, leaning down to the nine year old's level and giving her a hug.

"Hi Lauren!" She responded enthusiastically. "Mami, Lauren is here!"

The older woman appeared from the kitchen just seconds later. "Oh! Lauren! What a great surprise!" Her Cuban accent was think.

"Hello Miss Cabello, I don't mean to just intrude like this." The green eyed girl apologized.

"No! You're not intruding Lauren, you're welcome here anytime," She stepped aside and let the younger girl in the house. "Is Karla with you?"

"No, I actually flew down here a few hours earlier then she will. It's about eight in the morning now, and Camila's flight will land around noon." Lauren explained.

Sinu nodded and pulled the door shut. She placed her hand on Lauren's back and led her towards the kitchen, offering her a seat at the table. "Well, it's still great to see you Lauren."

"Thank you for just letting me drop in this early and without warning." Lauren wanted to be as respectful as she could be.

"Well, Sof and I have been awake for hours. She usually wakes me up everyday around six in the morning," The woman explained. "A lot like Camila actually, although it may be hard to believe now, she had us up for no reason at five in the morning. She was such an energetic kid."

Lauren blushed thinking about a young Camila. She would give anything to know what baby Camila was like. "Yeah, that's really hard to picture actually."

Sinu smiled in response. "Can I offer you a drink? Did you eat?"

"I normally wouldn't ask but could I have a cup of coffee, I'm actually super jet lagged." The green eyed girl requested hesitantly.

"Of course." She walked over to the coffee pot. "Can I ask how Camila's doing?"

"Yes, of course." Lauren assured. "She's doing great. She got out of rehab about a month ago. She spent a little longer then expected in there. I actually got into a pretty bad car accident with Dinah and-"

"Excuse me for cutting you off, but I'm little bit out of the loop still, maybe I ask who Dinah is?"

"Dinah is actually Camila's best friend. She my best friend too. But them two are absolutely inseparable. The bond the have is amazing. I couldn't have asked for a better friend for Camz." Lauren informed, earning a nod from Sinu to continue. "So Dinah and I ended up in the hospital. I broke my arm in a couple different places and broke a few ribs. Dinah just has a cut on her forehead and she had a pretty bad concussion. But they actually let Camila out of the treatment center to come visit us. She ended up spending a bit more time in rehab then we expected because of that. But she's doing really well."

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