Chapter 16

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The next day, you walked in to work feeling a bit more cheerful. You smiled and said hello to just about everyone in the office, catching everyone off guard. You reached your office and notice a bouquet of flowers on your desk. You smiled as you look to find a note on who sent them. Once you found it, your face scrunched up in confusion. No sender I see. If it's who I think it is, I appreciate the gesture, but he can't do this again.

You were getting your things ready for the meeting when there was a sudden knock on your door. Door's open!!!! "Well I see that my meddling has help," your boss said as he closed the door. What do you mean by meddling??? Please explain yourself why you're interfering in my love life. "Well I can see some good chemistry between the two of you and he did told me what happened between the two of you some years back. I would hope that you are able to find it in your heart to forgive him. I know I enforced a strict policy of no dating the artist, but you too are too cute together," your boss said. I can't, not with him. I'm able to forgive him, but I don't think I can ever get back with him. He was my first love, my very first. What he did to me was too painful. I know you want me to be happy, and I will be, but I just don't know about it.

"Just keep an open mind and a open heart," your boss said while getting up. "Oh, you know that I'm throwing my annual beach party and I wanted to run it by you on who we should have preform. Are you looking for someone outside the company or inside? How many performers were you planning to have? How long would each set be? "Well, I was looking at having both. I want to showcase our new artists and let our veterans have fun too. I've already have been in talks with other record company to see if their artists would like to preform and I got at least eight artists to come. I think about 30 minutes shall be good for each artists, dontchathink? That should be fine. Do you want me to send an email or call our new artists to let them know of the upcoming party? "That would be awesome. Let me know who can and we can go from there. Don't worry about the venue and food. Those are already covered. I hope to have everything ready within 2 weeks," your boss said while leaving out the room. TWO WEEKS?!!???? WHEN WERE YOU GONNA TELL ME THIS???? You shook your head at this new task that was bestowed on you. "I know you can get this done. All the artists love you and I know they will respond. Let me know if there's any trouble that happens."

It was late when you were getting ready to head home. Your boss was right, just about all the artists replied. You were happy that everyone and everything was just about set in stone. You were shutting down your computer when you hear a knock on your door. You looked up to see Jeremiah standing there. I wasn't expecting you here. What brings you by? "Well hello to you too. I was just responding to your email in person to let you know that I can't wait to preform," said Jeremiah. You chuckled. A simple email would sufficed. I know you have another motive. Jeremiah looks down while scratching his neck and said,"OK, you caught me. I was hoping that I could take you to get something to eat."

That's very nice of you, but I was going to cook tonight. You saw that his smile faltered a bit and instantly felt bad. Would you like to come over for dinner? We can discuss your set list for the party. Jeremiah's eyes lit up and happily accepted. You gave him a genuine smile as you walked passed him. You instantly licked your bottom lip as you pondered on possibly having him as dessert.

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