Chapter 24 If You

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You blinked your eyes open as you stretched out your limbs. As you stretched, you looked over and saw an empty spot where Jeremiah should have been. "Did he disappear on me after yesterday's events" you thought. While you pondered on that, your lips began to turn upwards as you remembered the day before. You closed your eyes as last night flooded your mind. Damn he's good. I forgot that he has that power over me to make me come undone like that. Wait a minute, WHAT HAVE I DONE?????? OMG I SHOULD HAVE NEVER LET IT GONE THAT FAR!!!!! I BROKE MY RULE!!!!!! You quickly got up and made a mad dash to the bathroom. Thank goodness he's not here!!!!! I can shower in piece!!! You quickly started your shower as you pondered everything that happened. While thinking, the sound of the water hitting your skin helped calmed you down and relaxed you. Once you were finished, you grabbed your towel and wrapped it around your body. You walked back into the bedroom to see Jeremiah in the doorway with a tray of food.

"Good morning princess. I see that you finally woke up. I was getting worried that you wasn't going to wake up soon. I hope you don't mind that I made us breakfast to share," Jeremiah said. Your heart swelled with pride. How thoughtful of him to do that. Thank you for breakfast, but I'm gonna have to take a rain check on that. I'm supposed to be at the office 3 hours ago and my boss is going to kill me. "Don't worry about it. I talked with your boss and he knows that you're with me. I told him that you was extremely tired and he'll see you tomorrow at noon," said Jeremiah. You looked at him in shock. Why would you do such a thing??? NEVER INTERFERE WITH MY WORK LIKE THAT, EVER!!!!!!

Jeremiah looked at you, crestfallen. "I was just trying to help princess......," Thanks, but you've done enough already. You quickly put on an sun dress and gathered your belongings. You'll come back later to clean up your room. Jeremiah set down the tray of food and looked at you. "Princess, why the 360? Last night, we were both very happy being with each other and now you're giving me the cold shoulder like I did something wrong. Can you please talk to me and not brush me off like I'm not nothing," Jeremiah pleaded with you. I just need some air. You left out in a huff, not looking back. You needed to clear your head to see where you stood with Jeremiah. You were confused from last night. Although last night felt great, you didn't mean to go that far so quickly. You reached your car and noticed that Jeremiah still had you blocked in. Shit, what the fuck am.i supposed to do now? I can't face him at this second. But I want to go back in his arms again. I wonder if he meant every single word last night. Maybe a walk along the beach would help. You put your things in the car and walked to the beach.

The sound of the waves crashing on the sand quickly put your mind at ease. You stared out at the sea and closed your eyes and let the sound of the ocean clear your mind. After a few minutes later, you knew that you had to talk to Jeremiah. You felt bad for freaking out like that and rushing out like that. You then felt yourself heading back to the house. You hoped that Jeremiah was still there. You put in your code and you saw Jeremiah sitting on your bed with his head down. Your heart instantly broke seeing him like this. Jere, I'm sorry for what happened. I didn't mean to take it out on you. I know you were trying to help. But for next time, please don't interfere with my work. You walked over and sat down and gave him a hug. Jeremiah lifted his head and looked at you. "Can you not constantly freak out on me like that and run off again? I'll admit, I'd overstepped my boundaries. I was just taking care of you from yesterday and last night. I knew you were exhausted. I was just concerned for your wellbeing. Is it wrong for me to care?" Jeremiah asked. He then took your hands and kissed them.

You placed your head on his shoulder and kissed his cheek. It's something that not gonna be easy on my end, I can work on it. "Jeremiah cupped your face and kissed you deeply. "Don't scare me like that again. I didn't know how to explain to your boss on how you disappeared. Princess, you know I still love you, so I'm willing to make this work by any means necessary. But you gotta talk to me and you gotta trust me that I'm not going to hurt you again. Your back in my life again and the first time in a long time I felt whole again. Please don't leave me again." Jeremiah kissed you again and pulled you on his lap. You were starting to get wet again. You broke the kiss and rested your head against his. Jeremiah, what are we? I think it would be too rushed if we're girlfriend/boyfriend again. Don't you think we should take things slow, despite what happened last night and what's about to happen again in a few seconds.

Jeremiah kissed your forehead and then kissed your shoulder. "You're right, baby. If I'm going to do this right, I do need to slow it down a bit. I'm gonna be honest, it's not going to be easy for me because I want you. But I will wait for you until you say yes when I can have you again," Jeremiah said. Thank you. I hope we can reconnect to how we was or even better. Now can you help me clean up so we can leave?

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