Part 1: Chapter1: Love At First Sight

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Seth sat on his white plasti-leather couch, changing the channels slowly but not really watching the tv. His mind was to preoccupied with the woman he had met only a few nights ago. He had went to the grocery store for something or other, he never did end up buying what he had gone for, instead he had found something much better. During his hunt through the maze like sections of the newly erected superstore he had accidently ran into a woman, she was small in stature, only standing about five foot. Her long light brown hair had reached down to the small of her back, she had a very slight tan complexion, almost a light gold. she wore a full length white dress and white blouse with a small amount of lace work around the collar. Her golden eyes had stared at him shocked before she hid her face, bowed and quickly walked off in the opposite direction. Those beautiful golden eyes had melted him, they seemed so innocent, yet had the twinkle of someone who had seen the darker side of human nature. She had walked away before he had had the chance to apologize for running into her. After the incident he had left without buying what he needed, now seth had never really been one to believe in love at first sight. But this chance encounter with the woman of his dreams had changed his mind completely. How stupid he had been he thought, that he didnt say anything, or try to introduce himself in anyway. Instead he left the store in a daze.

He hit the off button on the remote and the tv winked off with a small whisper. He stared at himself in the reflection of the tv, his mind still half gone. Seth wasnt bad looking, not in the slightest. He stood roughly five eleven, with jet black semi, curly hair that he messily stroked back. Still in his prime at only twenty two and healthy as an ox and he was well built. He was by no means a body builder but he did have an athletic body type, not overly toned but just enough to make him look good. He had a light tan due to his spanish and native american heritage. It was still early in the morning, and on this particular thursday he had nothing to really do. He worked at a local company, cutting the trees loggers brought in, into sections to be split and sold as fire wood. It was decent pay, he made a good nine dollars an hour, he usually worked 7-5, getting paid weekly. He was paid under the table, leaving him with his full pay of Four fifty a week. his cost of living was fairly low, and depositing half of his pay a week into an account for the past three years left him with a nice little Savings account.

He rose from the couch, deciding he'd make a run around town seeing as he had nothing better to do. He showered quickly, and dressed in his usual black jeans, boots, and a black t shirt. He got a quick sip of water and headed out into the bright day light.

Claire walked briskly down the steps of the local hospital. Her yearly check up done with She fumbeled in her bag for her phone and texted her friend, asking if she still wanted to go see a movie that night. She felt a hand on her ass and she turned to see a very dirty looking man behind her. Claire was twenty, five foot and as described by her friend, beautiful. She had never really seen herself as good looking, just simply as claire wilson. She often thought of herself as more plain than anything. she had a relatively small chest, just settling in the semi larger A's. She was tiny, but not deathly skinny, she had a flat stomach, ever so slightly toned. She had a slight hour glass figure, with a nice firm rear. She quickened her pace as the creep behind her laughed teasingly, she wanted nothing to do with scum like him. She'd seen what drunks were capable of from experiance. Her mom had died when she was just a small child and her dad never really held a steady relationship. She had been born with an underdeveloped voicebox and had been rendered mute before she had been birthed. Her dad probably saw this an his oportunity to take advantage of her, treat her horribly and and take his anger out on her. She had grown up with people always believing that she had some sort of mental illness becase she couldnt talk, to the contrary she was extremely brilliant, albiet shy. the very small amount of boyfriends she had had, she could count on one hand. They had all tried to "help her" by attempting to coax her into getting surgery. They had all abandoned her within just a few weeks and she had never really had many people there for her.

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