Chapter 3: Passion and Pain

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Seth was in his car and speeding toward the hospital the second the cop was gone, the cabin of his camero was silent, the audible rumble of the engine was all that filled the black silence. the sun had started to rise and cast a golden glow across the side streets. The car turned left and right, braked and sped up, pushing the boundaries of how much he could break the speed limit before someone pulled him over.
The black reflective paint made the car look like a beetle, winding its way through the growing buildings and maze like streets of the city.

This was Claire's third visit in one week. The ambulance arrived and the doctors wheeled her off. After examination and x-rays they concluded she was stable, had a concussion and a slight intracranial hemorrhage. They ran a series of tests, scans and other what nots she didn't  understand. She really didn't care, all she could see is the bill.

Seth arrived, explained he was her boyfriend And the doctor explained her less than desirable condition. "have you heard of a brain hemorrhage?"
The doctor was mid fifties, tall and lean.
"yeah I've heard of it, bleeding in the brain right?"
Seth's gut dropped. He hoped he was wrong.

"Yes, thats exactly what it is but it differs on each case and the severity of the bleeding. When blood from trauma irritates brain tissues, it causes swelling. This is known as cerebral edema." he emphasized the words cerebral edema. "The pooled blood collects into a mass called a hematoma. These conditions increase pressure on nearby brain tissue, and that reduces vital blood flow and kills brain cells."
Bleeding can occur inside the brain, between the brain and the membranes that cover it, between the layers of the brain's covering or between the skull and the covering of the brain."
Seth's hope was fading away. He wasn't a genius or a doctor but he knew they sounded bad, probably fatal.
As though the doctor could see his concern he continued.
"Claire will be fine, its very slight and can be treated with medicine. Surgery wont be necessary and she'll be out in a few days."
"can i see her? Is she awake?"
The doctor pointed down the hallway to the room in the corner.
"215. Shes conscious but she may not be coherent." the doctor was pulled away by a nurse leaving Seth to himself.

Claire was conscious, well as conscious as someone can be when their hopped up on several different meds. Her few clear thoughts were sparse and far from the concerns of reality. The one thing she could manage to keep a steady hold on was Seth.  Was he ok? Did he get arrested. She wished she could curl up in his arms. She felt safe there, that even though the worlds bleakness and despite the worlds condition things would be alright. Were they really even together though? She dosed off after the next set of medicine hit, her mind wavered somewhere in the between but she could hear everything.

Seth entered the room. A pang of regret slashed across his chest. There lay Claire, her foot was up, now removed from the boot. She seemed to be asleep, "Claire?" he whispered. No movement. He figured they put her out to save her from pain if she had any. He wheeled the grey hospital recliner by her bedside. Her already small form looked ever more fragile in the bed, her arms connected to the machines.
"claire, im so sorry. This is all my fault. If i hadnt let you, if i would have," his voice broke as his eyes began to blur. He had always had a weak spot. And always protected it with the greatest of care. And yet somehow this tiny girl had broken through everything, as though his mental defenses were nothing more than paper mâché. His tears rolled down his cheek, he held back. Fighting back the impending breakdown at the sight of his love laying in the hospital bed. "ive known you less than a week. I dont know whats going on, what happened. I feel like ive known you my entire life... Ive never met someone like you... I feel like I can really be me around you, your bring hope and reassurance to a world that's become so corrupt.... A light in the dark."
his head was hung, his hands on the edge of her bed, gripping the sheets. He felt something warm roll down his cheek. He didn't cry? He never cried, not since his grandmother had died. How did this one women change everything?
He began his slow loss of control. Fighting his loosing battle when something brushed his hand, it was fleeting, and he failed to notice the gesture of kindness and reassurance given to him by his partner. His teeth gritted and he froze as her small cold hand covered his. He looked up, her eyes glossy, and faded a bit meeting his. The knowing, the hurt, the hope and reassurance in her eyes, something let him know it was ok, and he let himself go.

She could hear seth, the distress in his voice. The all to tall tale quaver of someone mourning. She could make out what he said, but it took her a few seconds to register what he said. Her energy albeit evaporated, she moved her hand on pure will, cupping his in hers. The gesture seemed so futile yet when she saw his eyes she knew it had spoken volumes. He let go of the tears he had been fighting.

Seth refused to leave her alone, and the hospital had, under the right agreements let him stay. He had gotten the call to return to work monday but had taken the day off. Claire was to be released monday and she'd need help around the house.  After the necessary paperwork, discharge papers, lessons on her meds and all the other little nuances they throw in before they discharge patients.
They were finally headed home.

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