Chapter 2: The Hospital

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They reached the hospital in just a few minutes, dead silent as they entered. Neither one wanting to meet the gaze of the other.

Seth miller. She kept repeating his name in her head. What a strange man, from the first time she met him, in the chance run in at the grocery store she had liked him. But experience had got the better of her. No one wanted someone who couldnt talk. Who could never say i love you. So instead of staying she had fled.

When she had met his eyes in the alley, she knew she loved him. Like it was fate. But she couldnt let such child like hopes and dreams, desires and fantasys take over her reality. she expected him to be gone by the time she came out from the cold and drafty hospital room.

she didnt even know him but the thought of him leaving so soon hurt.

The doctor had taken some x-rays and left her alone in the room for the better part of an hour. She had decided not to report the attack, and merely gave the story she had tripped while running. The nurse found her some saftey pins and helped her pin her skirt back into place. He finally came in, explained she had a hairline fracture, and had sprained her ankle. He had her put in a protective boot, gave her a pair of crutches and had her out the door within the next forty five minutes. She was already mid text to her friend, asking for a ride when she stopped, there he was. Sitting in the same spot he had been when they took her back. He was bent over, starring at the floor seemingly deep in thought.

She took a deep breath and hobbled over to where he was, plopping down in the seat beside him. He looked up and smiled.

She blushed slightly, his face seemed so kind and gentle. He was handsome, with nice features. He had sideburns, almost mutton chops. The hair wasnt to thick, it was obviously groomed. He had stubble along the underside of his jaw, along his chin and the lower parts of his cheek. It was obvious he hadnt shaved in a week or two and looked gruff, but somehow added to the gentle appearence. His dark brown eyes seemed to cut into her. She smiled and looked at the floor.

"If you need a ride, im parked not to far from here. I can run and come back, pick you up?" his voice sounded a bit scratchy.

It was funny how she was just know noticing the small details of his appearence, despite the fact he had carried her for two blocks. She watched him from the corner of her eyes, he had nice sized arms, a scar across his left forearm. His jeans were slightly dirty. His boots were worn and had gashes across the tops. His black shirt was neat, just a simple black cotton tee. His ears were peirced, a ball and loop on his right And three balls in a curved line on the lobe of his left. She noticed, hidden in the shadow of his cowboy hat was a scar across his right eye.

She deleted the text she had written to her friend and despite her better judgement typed a simple yes to him.

He stood and took a step forward, she took in the features of his figure. He had broad shoulders and a firm torso, with a healthy v shape to him. his black curly hair, not yet shoulder length but close was visible. He turned and smiled wide.

"I'll be back in just a few ok? Stay sitting still come get you."

And with that he turned and briskly walked through the sliding doors. 

Her heart raced. The man was well built, obviously handsome. Why would he offer to help her? Why did she so suddenly accept his ride? She didnt even know him but felt like she did.

She lost herself in thought and within a few minutes he re entered the building, as she started to stand he scooped her up, carrying the crutches in his left hand and holding her up with his arms. She blushed intensly at the very unneeded yet greatly appreciated behaviour.

He carried her to his car, a nice car at that. A black and red 69' camaro. He set her down and opened the door for her, collapsing and storing the crutches in back as she slid in. He closed her door and swung around to the drivers seat, hoped in and turned the key. The car roared to life.

"So, Claire. Where am i taking you. Police station? why didnt you just report it to the doctor?"

He buckled up and she did the same before typing.

(im not reporting the crime. i dont want to. Please just take me home.)

he frowned at this. He sat there for a second, debating god knew what in his head.

"you sure you dont want to report the crime? It'd be a good idea to."

He watched her and she looked away, suddenly nervous.

He was right. but would the cops listen to her?

She typed.

(ok. Take me to the police station.)

"aye aye captain"

He made a mock salute and she giggled slightly.

As though in response to her small windy action he beamed. Obviously happy.

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