Chapter 2: Gerry

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Seth waited in the dark confines of the bedroom. Unknowing what was transpiring as he heard the door open and close, he heard the sound of crying and got up quickly, dressing himself.

He was just about to leave the room when he heard someone pounding on the door, followed by the angry shouts of a man. He marched down the hallway, jaw set. Claire was sitting on the floor and some girl was on the couch in front of her, bruised and beaten, both with looks of fear on their faces.

Claire got up, and rushed to the door cutting Seth off. 

(its ok. Just wait.)

Seth stood, eyeing the girl, Claire, and  listening to the rampant shouting of the man outside. Against his better judgement he relented.

"fine. But im not leaving."

He stood his ground just a few feet behind her as she opened the door.

Beyond the frame stood a man in his late thirties. He looked greasy, his short cropped brown hair was messy, he was small, much smaller than Seth. He stood maybe five foot six, his tank top was covered in oil and his tattered jeans were the same.

He was the type of man Seth despised the most. A coward without honor or pride, someone who prayed on the weak.

"where the fuck is jenny. Tell her to get her ass out here before i beat her ass again. Fuckin cunt." the man spit.

Seth's blood began to boil. Real big and bad aren't you? He half smiles half bared his teeth at the thought.

Claire shook her head and started to close the door. The man kicked the door open, leaving a sizable dent in the wood, he pushed his way through Claire, sending her to the floor. Despite the sudden movement all Seth saw was Claire's head hit the amour on her way down. He dove down, caressing her in his arms. Time seemed to slow, his thoughts sped up. He saw Claire, the girl. The man. Claire. Her name echoed in his mind, time distorted in his eyes as he layed her down. The man had already pulled the girl through the door and was halfway down the pathway. Claire. Seth's anger overtook him, the fire coursing through his human veins turned into blazing firestorm of hell. Claire would be safe for the moment. He jumped over her body, and was through the door and on the man in seconds.

He shouted something he didn't understand and the man turned to face him letting go of the girl. He wasn't fast enough as Seth plowed through him with his body, sending the man into the side of his truck. The mans reaction times were slow, by the time he had come to stand right again, Seth had grabbed the man by side of his head and smashed it through the window of the truck. The man collapsed and he could hear the girls cry's far in the distant as he relentlessly pounded the mans face. He finished and stood. Cuts on his hands from the glass. The man lay there motionless.

Time returned to him, and as it did so did the sounds of growing crowd. The girls cry's didn't sound so far off now. The man returned to consciousness and moved his arm, his hand opened and closed. Seth answered him with a swift kick to his ribs. There was an audible crunch as his steel toed boot connected.

"how does it feel? How does it feel to have someone stronger than you beat you? How does it feel to be humiliated in front of everyone!" he realized he was shouting. His anger again a molten stream of hate rolling through his veins. He breathed in deep and walked into the house, leaving the man and the crowd behind.

He knelt by Claire, she was awake but incoherent.

None of this would have happened if he wouldn't have let her answer the door! It was his fault Claire was hurt, he heard the man, knew he was angry. Knew what could happen should the man really lose it. He should have stopped her should have acted! It was his fault. His.

Claire's short span of memory didn't include much. She remembered closing the door. The sensation of falling and then nothing. She awoke to the screams of jenny, yelling at someone to stop, that he was going to kill him. She faded again and awoke to Seth holding her, his eyes blurred with tears. The sounds of sirens in the distance. "Claire, stay with me honey, stay awake ok. I love you Claire just stay awake ok? Their almost here." Seth's eyes watched her. She could see his hurt, his worry and sorrow. She willed herself a small smile and he held her even tighter. Her head felt like a grenade had exploded on the inside.

The paramedics and officers arrived. Both Gerry and Claire were rushed to the hospital as the police arrested Seth. Gerry's ribs were cracked they told him, He had multiple lacerations on his face and torso. His left eye needed surgery and his jaw had been broken in multiple places. The man, was apparently to scared to press charges in fear jenny would bring to light his relentless crimes against her and his family. His beatings, stealing, and blackmail were apparently to much for him to pay the price for. 

The officers had told Seth,

"your one, goddamned lucky sonuva bitch you know that? That piece of shits not pressing charges and no one but that girl saw what REALLY happened, and she wont talk." he took a seconds pause as he un-cuffed Seth. "its not the first time we've been called out for his sorry ass, he's nothing but scum if ya ask me. He beats her but shes either to scared or to whipped to report it, hes been caught blackmailing teens into less than desirable acts. He's even beaten and stolen from his own family, pawning their goods for money.... People like him deserve to be locked up." the cop laughed "but he's still on the street, great fuckin use of the tax payers money right?"

Seth forced a small laugh, his mind only heard half of what he was being told, he was focused on Claire.

"alright buddy your free to go," the cop leaned in and whispered "next time break his legs." with a pat on the back the cop left.

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