Part 2: Chapter 1: Morning Showers

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Seth awoke alone in her bed. The daylight burned through the thin curtains. A quick glance at the clock read 11:23 a.m.The sudden clatter of something metal made him jump, he got up throwing on his clothes and quickly left the room. He entered the small kitchen to find claire fixing breakfast. The aroma of eggs and bacon, potatoes and pancakes filled the room as she went about her buisness, unknowing he had entered the room. Her large protective boot stuck out like a soar thumb on her small frame. she was wearing. Nothing but a pair of black panties and a large, button up dress shirt.

He crept up to her, wrapping his arms around her waist. She jumped and peered up at him, her golden eyes Accentuated by her brilliant smile. He leaned down and kissed her softly. Their lips locking before she broke the kiss as the bacon started burning. He let out a small chuckle before he let go. He took a quick look around the room before deciding he'd help with the cooking. He grabbed a knife and started to add to the pile of uncooked potatoes. He'd already finished one before she snatched the knife from him, and forced him to the table. She typed furiously on her computer, again letting the voice settings act as a surrogate voice.

"i want to make you breakfast. Sit. Relax."

The monotone voice carried no real power behind it but her wording made him laugh.

"i'll help if you want. Its not a problem."

She turned and shook her head.

He gave a sigh of resignation and sat quietly.

Claire had woken early that mornin and decided a breakfast was in order. She wanted to impress him. And the quickest way to a mans heart? His stomach right? So she had begun cooking, eggs, bacon potatoes. She made some pancake mix from scratch and squeezed fresh orange juice. When seth had come in she had been deep in thought. Did she make a mistake last night? He wouldnt really stay. and yet she let him deflower her. his words echoed in her head. I wont, i wont ever leave.

He told her he loved her. She was confused, Trying to sort her own feelings. She soon had finished with the cooking and set the table, bringing him a fresh glass of juice and serving him a heaping plate.

Seth stared at the plethora of food she had made, and the pile she had placed upon his plate. It looked and smelled delicious, but he couldnt eat all of this! He barely ate as it was!

She sat in the seat next to him. Watching his reaction of wonder. She beamed with her acheivment and waited for him to taste her food.

What the hell he thought happily.

He started eating, the food was absolutely fantastic! Before he knew It he had cleared most the plate. As she sat beside him she ate silently. A faint smile and the aura of someone proud about her.

Seth finished his plate and she motioned for the extras.

"no no no im done." he laughed as he turned to face her

"thats probably the most ive eaten in a looong time."

She eyed him curiously before wiping her mouth. He glanced at the clock, 12:32 p.m.

She wiped her mouth and turned to the comp, reaching across the gap she typed on the key board and hit enter. The computer spoke.

"how long can you stay?"

Seth smiled

"as long as you want, hey! How about we go see a movie?"

As long as you want. She wanted him to stay forever.

She tapped on the keyboard.

"that sounds great. We need to get cleaned up."

She got up and started picking up the dishes and food.

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