Part 3: Chapter 1: Beaten and Bruised

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Claire wrapped herself in a robe as she walked down the dark hallway. She had forced seth to stay in the bedroom before she went to the door.

She peeked through the curtains, was that jenny?

She rushed around the recliner and opened the door. A bruised and beaten jenny sat on her porch, her eye swollen and black, she had dried blood on her upper lip from a bloody nose. Aside from the bruising flesh of her cheeks she was covered in dirt.

Claire helped her up and inside, letting her fall onto the couch.

She turned on the light of the dining room and grabbed a pen and pad of paper before starting a pot of coffee.

She sat across from her freind, crosslegged on the floor.

"gerry lost his temper... It was my fault. He wanted a blowjob but i said i was busy.... He said id do what he wanted...."

Claires face drooped. This wasnt the first time "gerry" had beaten her. Gerry was your typical wife beater, nothing but slime and scum but had jenny  wrapped so completely around his finger she would run back to him everytime.

Claires pen whispered to the paper in the dark.

(you can stay here. Ill run you a bath. Im sorry jenny i have to call the cops this cant go on anymore.)

"NO! He'll go to jail! He doesnt deserve that! He loves me, its ok!"

Jennys face contorted between denial, despair, and acceptance.

Claires pencil drew gracefully on the paper.

(jenny he doesnt love you,.)

Her friend broke down into a hailstorm of tears, muttering things claire couldnt, and Jenny  herself probably couldn't  understand.

Claire jumped as the sound of pounding rung through the house.


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