Chapter 3: Falling

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As they reached her small little house far from the outskirts of the urban maze and not to far beyond the sub-urbs he helped her out. She waited for her crutches sitting side saddle in the seat of the car, he lifted her up. It wasnt that she couldnt walk, he just loved the feel of her in his arms. He carried her to the porch, and while she unlocked the door he ran back to the jet black car to grab her bag and crutches.

She opened the door and using the frame and armour by the door she managed to hobble her way in. She had a low tolerance to pain, and every step felt like a knife pushing its way into her leg.

She heard seth in the door and straightened her posture. She didbt want him to think she was weak did she?

"your in pain, hold on." he placed her bag on the couch and laid her crutches against the wall before scooping her up and carrying her to the bedroom were he set her down on her bed. He left the room leaving her to her thoughts. Jenny!

She had forgotten about her friend, they had had plans the night prior to go to the movies, she had ditched her own friend. But strangely enough she hadnt recieved any angry texts or calls. She entered her facebook app on her phone and clicked the chat. Good she was on.

Claire wilson: jenny im so sorry! I didnt mean to forget about our plans yesterday :( please forgive me.

Jenn!fer Bengal: no wrys, wt hapnd? R u ok?

Claire wilson: yea im fine. Dont worry about it.

Jenn!fer Bengal: i m wryd. Whn evr u sy dnt wry tht mns smthn hapnd.

Jennifers habit of abbriviating every word made the chore of reading her slewn together texts a pain. There where times when claire couldnt understand her at all.

Claire wilson: no im fine i promise :/ but, i did meet someone ^.^

jenn!fer Bengal: OMG! WHO?!!?

Claire wilson: :P you'll just have to meet him. Are you free tomarrow?

Jenn!fer Bengal: of crse. Gtg grrys bein a dche agn. Ttyl bffl.

:this user is no longer available. Your message will be delivered to their inbox:

Claire sighed. She had just signed seth up for a death trip without his consent. Jennifer would be relentless in her questioning and interogating by anymeans necessary. She heard a loud crash, followed by, "FUCK!"

She jumped when she heard him shout, she hobbled to the door. He was getting up off the floor he had his hand across the left side if his face.

"aint that a bitch." he mumbeled to himself. She made her way to him, he had yet to notice her and jumped when she pulled his hand away, he had a nice sized gash right below his eye. From the look of things he had tripped and hit his face onThe corner of the wall.

Seth had been walking back trough the door after locking up his car and making sure they had everything out. When he walked back in he was to distracted to notice the crutch had fallen. He tripped, fell, and connected with the corner of the hallway. 

"FUCK!!!l" he didnt mean to yell, it was just a reaction, beyond his control.

"well aint that a bitch.." he could feel a small amount of blood trickle from his eye. What was he going to do when claire saw it? She had probably heard him trip. He started to get up when his hand was jerked away. There stood claire, concern covered her face as she pulled him into the restroom. She made him sit on the toilet as she rummaged through the medicine cabinet. She found what she was looking for. Rubbing alcohol and gauze. She poured a small amount in a paper cup and dipped the gauze in. Letting it drip for a second before lathering the wound in the burning mixture. He felt the muscles around his eye twitch and the alcohol cleaned the wound. He didnt really see the point. Dirty or not the wound would heal on its own. the long scar across his forearm had been the result of an unfortunate accident with a chainsaw his first week of work. One of the men  had been carelessly swinging the running machine around, teasing his friends, when seth had come around the truck. He knocked over a can of latex paint they used to mark the measures in the logs. The man must have thought he was the boss cause he whipped around, grazing seths arm with the  already dulled blades on the chain. The brake on the husqvarna had been broken when one of the other men had thrown it in anger, so the perpetually spinning blades threatened all that came near. They finally claimed blood that fateful day. He never bothered with treatment, he simply wrapped his arm up, went home and passed out. The gash had never been cleaned despite the fact the blade was covered in bar oil, dirt, saw dust and other unfavorable elements. So a small cut under his eye really didnt matter.

But he didnt argue as claire patched him up.

After she had taped his cut with butterfly tape, she led him back to the bedroom where they undressed, and laid together in the darkness. Face to face sharing each others breath, seth kissed her gently. Letting her set the pace for the night. She kissed him back,   Growing deep and passionant with every passing second. They explored each others mouths, fondeled and kissed before he rolled claire on top of him. The sweet smell of her Fruity body spray still lingering along her neck. She leaned on her elbows after he scooted her farther up, indulging himself on her pink puffy nipples. His heart racing as as she gasped every so often.

She sat up, his throbbing manhood now erect, resting lazily in the crack of her tight, small rear.  She lifted herself up, the sheets sliding down her back, outling her body against the moonlight. Her chest rose and feel deeply, her brown eyes guilded over with trust and longing. Fear and reassurance. Any and all human emotion, captured in the twinkling brilliance of her golden eyes.

She sank down on him. Joining them together as one, she layed across his chest, and he wrapped his arms around her as she slid herself back and forth. The warmth of her silken canal felt amazing. She rose, moving her hips to drive him deeper inside her, he rest his hand on her sides. Their gaze locked and as one just as much as they were. Her breathing quicked as she started moving faster, grinding around his lap, playing with diffrent ways to create the sensations she felt. She began bouncing, her eyes fluttering as she did so. Her head dropped as it became more intense and as she reached her climax, her walls rippled, milking him. Attempting to draw in what it could of him. He reached his own climax, filling her with his warm seed. She fell onto him. Both spent.

They had begun falling asleep when the doorbell rang, jarring them from their shared semi concious state. Claire looked at him, then at the clock. 

4:11 a.m.

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