Chapter 14: Memory Gaps

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The next day I attempted to avoid all the text messages that I received. I wanted to spend the day alone. Unfortunately I couldn't because of Elena. She frantically knocked on my front door and dragged me to the police station. I guess Sheriff Forbes wanted to interrogate us about Vicki.

"Hey Arina, thanks for coming. I know how close you and Vicki are so I wanted to ask you some questions," Sheriff Forbes explained softly as I took a seat. She clicked her pen and hovered it above a note pad before looking at me. With a serious expression on her face, she questioned out,"Did Vicki say where she was going?"

"No," I responded, shifting in my seat from getting anxious. Vicki never told me where she was going. Which is odd because I feel like she would have.

"Do you know why she left?" She asked, pressing forward on the subject.

"She said she needed to take care of something...I'm sorry, I don't really know anything other than that, Sheriff." I answered truthfully.

"That's okay. Thanks Arina. I appreciate you being honest with me and I'm here if you need anything," Liz replied and gave me a warm smile. I returned one back to her and quickly left the police station.

Liz was a good mom and an amazing sheriff. Unfortunately there was nothing she could do to help me. There was nothing anyone could do to help me. I missed my friend and I had this strange gut feeling that she wasn't going to come back.

What is even more strange is the fact that I have memory gaps of what happened during the past two days. For example, I don't remember where I ran off to after I found out Damon was vampire. It's really starting to scare me.

As I left the building I saw Elena and Stefan talking in hushed tones. I ignored their presence and went past them to go home. They seemed like they were hiding something from me. I might've been paranoid though.

"Arina!" Elena shouted but I kept walking. Thankfully she didn't follow and respected the fact that I needed space.

While I was at home I received a text from Ander. He asked me if I wanted to see him play at his soccer game. With a small smile on my face, I sent him a text back, telling him I would be there.

As I arrived at the school's soccer field I immediately noticed how packed the bleachers were. It was obvious that parents and students were thrilled to see the game.

As I skimmed the audience I noticed a guy in particular. He had black spiked hair and golden brown eyes.

His eyes caught mine as he was laughing about something with a peer. The guy's friend was wearing glasses and had short choppy brown hair. I sat in the seat in front of them because they seemed welcoming and it was the only seat left that had a good view.

While engrossed in watching the game, I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see that the guy with the spiked hair had tapped me.

"Hey, aren't you friends with Vicki?" He asked in a chill manner. I glanced over at his friend who stared at me with equal curiosity.

"Yeah." I murmured softly, not wanting to talk about her. My heart felt like it broke into two pieces. My eyes shifted toward the bland bleachers we were sitting on.

"Do you know where she is?" He asked curiously, pressing forward on the topic.

"She left town. I don't know where exactly," I spoke turning around to watching the game, assuming that was all he wanted to know.

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