Chapter 28: Off His Rocker

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Damon's words reverberated in my head as I dazed off in history class. He said I was charmer. When he found out what I was he treated me like I was a stranger. I never meant to hurt him but it seemed that no matter what I did he would've responded the same.

I returned my focus to the class lecture which was about Founders Day. However, my attention wasn't fixated on Alaric for too long. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Bonnie walk into the classroom and interrupt him by doing so.

"Sorry I'm late," She murmured out of breath as she hastily closed the classroom door.

"Well, it looks like we will be at full occupancy today. Welcome home, Bonnie," Alaric greeted nonchalantly before continuing his lecture.

My eyes focused on Bonnie as she sat down in the vacant seat between Elena and I. After she exchanged smiles with Elena, she turned her focus to me.

"I missed you so much. I know this is a lot to ask but I could use some help with something," I whispered discreetly to her.

"I missed you too and I'm always here for you. Let's talk after class," She smiled softly as she whispered back to me.

After class, Bonnie softly grabbed my hand and rushed out. She discreetly told me she didn't want to be near Elena or Stefan right now and I understood. She lost her Grams and Elena made the grieving process worse by telling Bonnie that the spell on the tomb failed. I could only imagine the pain she was feeling, knowing that her Grandmother died for nothing.

The two of us made our way outside of the school building and sat in her car for our break in between classes.

As soon as we sat inside, I immediately pulled her into a tight hug,"I'm so glad you're back, Bonnie."

She hugged me back and when we pulled away she mentioned," Elena told me about you being a Hamadryad. While I was grieving I did some research because I think we all know you're not the researching type. Especially when it's relating to yourself."

I nodded my head and let out a chuckle before I replied to her, "Thanks Bon. I keep randomly triggering these Hamadryad aspects and I've been lucky enough to not trigger anything in public." As I explained, I started to remember when I got submerged in the tree while kissing Damon and then his cold demeanor when he found out what I was.

"Based on what I've researched so far you're capable of living a normal and happy life. Since your life is connected to a tree you just need to continue to incorporate plant based nourishment. Keep in mind that you can feel when your tree is being burned or cut down. Also, the book I read says that the certain type of pain you'll feel is associated with how the tree is destroyed," Bonnie explained as she pulled out two granola bars from her bag and handed me one before she took a bite out hers.

After I took a bite out of my granola bar before I murmured sadly," Damon told me I was a charmer and that I didn't even need to do anything to charm people. He made it sound like I was a siren, luring men," I stared down at my granola bar replaying what had happened in my head again and again.

Bonnie broke me out of my internal hell when she grabbed my hands and explained seriously," Arina, Damon needs to check his facts. At the end of the day. You're a beautiful girl. Of course you're going to charm boys but when it comes to being a Hamadryad, it can be controlled. Even though Hamadryads have many powers like being able to get into the heads of those charmed, control minds of charmed, and merge with plants, it's up to you on whether or not you're going to use them. Arina, you have the control."

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