Chapter 23: Into The Tomb

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My eyelids jutted open as I groggily woke up. I wasn't in my comfy bed which prompted the events of last night to play in my mind. Elena was walking me home when I suddenly saw her get knocked over the head. I didn't see anything so I quickly went to call Stefan on my phone After that, all I remember is the world fading to black.

As I gasped and frantically sat up in an unfamiliar bed, I saw a guy sitting in a chair sleeping. It was Ben, the guy Bonnie went on a date with! I grimaced and held a hand to the back of my head that was aching from the sudden movement and quickly turned to my side and saw an unconscious Elena. I frantically shook her.

When she woke up, her eyes wandered around the room with evident confusion. Before she could say anything, I placed a finger to her lips and shushed her. I looked around for a way out and came to the conclusion that the only way out was the front door. I noticed Elena was looking from Ben to the door, thinking the same thing.

She motioned to the door with her head and I nodded to her before the two of us quietly slid off the bed. We then slowly
stepped over Ben's outstretched leg.

Anxiously, I watched as Elena unlocked the deadbolt on the door. I kept looking back at Ben to make sure he was still asleep. Right when Elena turned the lock on the door and was about to open it, we suddenly heard, "I wouldn't."

Elena and I gasped before spinning around to see Ben inch toward Elena and I. He tried to use his compulsion on Elena and commanded, "Don't try to escape. Don't even move. Do you understand?"

"I understand." Elena spoke out, pretending that she was compelled. I knew she wasn't because she still had her vervain necklace on. Thankfully I was wearing my vervain bracelet Stefan gave me.

My eyes moved away from Elena to Ben, who was now staring at me. He gave me a sinister smirk and began his attempt to compel me, "The same thing goes to you. Got it?"

My eyes didn't leave his as I blankly replied, "Yes." I mirrored what I saw Alaric do when Damon compelled him at the dance. Hopefully Ben would buy it...

Ben let out an airy chuckle, believing he compelled us and turned around. My eyes watched as he headed toward the mini-fridge in the room. I quickly glanced over at Elena who didn't hesitate to open the door. The two of us bolted out only to be stopped by some girl that looked around Jeremy's age.

The girl grabbed Elena and I by the hair with what appeared to be supernatural strength and pushed us back into the motel room.

"Seriously?!" The girl bellowed out, looking at Ben. She kept a tight grip on Elena and shoved me toward Ben.

Ben roughly grabbed me by the shoulders and fretted, "I told them not to move! I did that eye thing that you taught me!" This caused me to suppress back a chuckle.

"And forgot the lesson about vervain! One of them dates a vampire, Ben. Duh!" The girl lectured, before turning her attention to Elena who she pushed against a wall.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Elena demanded. After Elena finished her last sentence the girl opened what appeared to be the bathroom door.

"Doesn't matter." The girl responded before forcefully pushing Elena into the bathroom and shutting the door. She turned back to me, clearly not forgetting my presence and walked closer. She looked at me with curiosity, like I was some kind of foreign specimen.

She tilted her head to the side as she commented out,"So you're the one in cahoots with Damon. Huh... I never would've thought..." She mumbled out the last part inaudibly so I couldn't hear what she fully said. I felt Ben release his hold on me and faintly heard him walk away.

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