Chapter 24: Who Is Isobel?

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In the middle of the night I woke up to a frantic phone call from Elena. She broke the news to me that Bonnie's Grandmother passed away. I was in shock because Shiela didn't seem ill when she was opening up the tomb. All I knew was how heartbroken Bonnie must've been.

I immediately called Bonnie but she unfortunately didn't answer, so my call went straight to voicemail.

I decided to leave her a message and softly said, "Hey, I heard what happened to your grandmother. Elena told me that you're going to be with your aunt for awhile. I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry for your loss. She was such a good person. I'm here for you if you need anything. Please take care of yourself and call me back whenever you want to." After I was done talking I hung up and fell back asleep.

The next day I decided to see how Damon was doing. I could only imagine the pain he must be going through after finding out that Katherine wasn't in the tomb this whole time.

As I walked into his house, my ears were welcomed by blaring rock music. The stench of alcohol accompanied the music and made me feel like I was at a concert. I scrunched my face at the smell but followed the source of the music in the hopes of finding Damon.

I ended up finding Damon in the living room with a bunch of sorority girls. To my horror, he was feeding off of one of the young sorority girls while the others were dancing obliviously. After scrutinizing the girls, I noticed that all of them had bite marks up and down their bodies.

As he pulled away from the girls' neck she purred to him,"How do I taste?"

I watched Damon drunkenly whisper to her," Oh, so much better than your friends. But shh. Don't tell them. They might get jealous."

I coughed loudly for him to hear. He released the girl and looked at me with a surprised look as he gushed, "Came to join the party huh? I knew you wouldn't be able to resist."

"Uh, no. I came to see how you're doing," I plainly replied, trying to change the topic. There's no point in walking around it. After I finished my final sentence I turned the music off.

"You're worried about me. Im flattered but there's no need. I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be? I spent the last 145 years with one goal: get in that tomb. I succeeded. Granted, Katherine wasn't in there to be rescued because she fled but why dwell? You know, it's so liberating not having a master plan, because I can do whatever the hell I want," He explained darkly as he gracefully moved toward me. This caused me to frown.

"What about the girls?" I commented, glancing at them as I grabbed the bottle of booze from his hand. I tried to change the subject because I couldn't believe that she fled and didn't come back for him. She abandoned him.

"Gone, only if I get some entertainment in exchange," He commented, smirking at me like a drunken idiot. I rolled my eyes to try and come across cold but I couldn't stop a small chuckle from leaving my lips.

"Damon..." I warned sternly, trying to compose myself.

He sighed then turned to the sorority girls and compelled them,"Go back to your dorms. Go to bed once you get there. When you wake up, all you will remember is that you blacked out".

The girls nodded and left the trashed living room. I turned my attention back to Damon and worriedly inquired," You haven't...killed anyone right?"

"Relax. I haven't killed anyone in-" he sighed before continuing,"too long." He pushed the bottle of booze I was holding closer to my chest and encouraged,"So drink up."

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