Chapter 30: Isobel's Visit

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Before heading to school I decided to call Damon and ask him how Stefan was doing. I still felt very hesitant to approach Stefan. I wanted to forgive him but part of me was still scared he was going to attack me. What if he went off the rails again?

"Well aren't I a popular person today. I was just talking to Elena on the phone a minute ago," He answered, with most likely a smug smile.

"How is Stefan doing?"I asked nervously, biting my lip.

"Oh, him? Oh, he's...he's terrible," Damon replied casually.

"What's wrong?" I asked urgently, gripping the steering wheel tightly. At this point I was in my car, driving to school.

"He's just back to boring, straight-laced, off the junk. Elena has successfully cured him of anything that was interesting about his personality," Damon explained with a sour tone.

I raised a brow and questioned out,"Have you patched things with him since...y'know?" I was referring to Damon's outburst toward Stefan where he told his brother that he hated him.

"Nope," He simply replied popping the 'p'.

I softly sighed then proceeded to say,"Family is important. I'm sure you both will come to some understanding whether it takes weeks or years. Well, I'll talk to you later. I've got to help build the Miss Mystic float for the Founders' Day parade."

"Ooo. Have fun with the Mystic queen, I know I did," He playfully joked, referring to Caroline.

I scoffed before sarcastically replying, "Because traumatizing and compelling a highschooler is so much fun."

"Don't knock it till you try it," Damon joked before I hung up.

The school cafeteria was packed with all of Mr. Saltzman's history students, including me. Everyone was scattered everywhere.

It truly was a miracle that I was able to find Bonnie and Caroline through the throngs of people. The two of them were sitting across from each other at a vacant table.

"Alright, show me," I heard Bonnie say as  I took a seat at their table.

"Hey Arina. Bonnie and I were just starting to talk about the float," Caroline greeted with a wide smile. She then turned her attention to her laptop and continued her conversation with Bonnie,"Let's reference last years Miss Mystic float." Caroline then typed something on her computer and continued with," This is what they did last year."

She then turned her computer and showed a picture to Bonnie and I before adding,"And this is exactly what we don't want to do."

I couldn't focus on the conversation. My thoughts drifted to multiple people.  Damon to Elena then to Katherine and then to Damon again. If I would've been told that my life would've been shaken upside down by the Salvatore brothers I would've laughed.

"Arina, where's Elena?" Caroline worriedly asked, with a tinge of annoyance in her tone as she looked around. The blonde then added," She's supposed to be helping."

"She's probably with Stefan." I guessed, shrugging my shoulders. Stefan was starting to get his bearings again and I'm sure Elena wanted to be right beside him during this to prevent him from relapsing.

"Bonnie?" Caroline inquired as she turned to Bonnie.

"I don't know," Bonnie replied with annoyance. It was clear that Bonnie was against the Salvatore brothers and I obviously didn't blame her after what happened to her Grams. I just wish things happened differently. It would've been nice to have her support when Elena was anti-Damon.

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