Chapter 31: Founder's Day Parade

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The Founder's Day Parade was today and I got ready with Elena. Jenna had helped Elena and I into our dresses. My dress was a light brown and had beautiful flowing detailing on the bottom. The dress was definitely constricting but at least it was cute.

As Elena and I arrived at our school we saw Stefan and Damon, standing there. They were talking but as soon as they saw Elena they stopped and just stared at her. She looked exactly like Katherine, so I'm not surprised.

Elena glanced at me before turning to them. The two of us smiled and curtsied at the boys. Part of me wondered if they missed the past.

Damon's eyes lingered on mine after they trailed down and up my body. He discreetly motioned away from Elena and Stefan with his head and eyes like he was saying 'let's talk over here'.

I smiled and nodded before I followed him away from Stefan and Elena.
The two of us ended up somewhere more secluded, behind a classroom building. Once we stopped I questioned out,"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. I just wanted to be able to talk freely with you without having Stefan around," He replied, pacing around. A hand ran through his hair as he looked around cautiously.

"Are you guys still fighting?" I asked, still confused. They seemed fine a moment ago.

Damon stopped in place. "He doesn't like me being with you. He thinks I'm not good enough for you," He admitted with anger and sorrow evident in his tone.

I walked over to him and snaked an arm around him and softly whispered into his ear, "As much as Stefan likes to believe he knows us, in actuality he doesn't. He doesn't know how you make me feel."

He turned to face me, a small smile forming on his lips as he caressed my cheek. While he was doing so, I placed a hand on top of his and smiled warmly back at him.

I sighed contently before I noticed he was leaning in to kiss me. Obligingly, I leaned in toward him, allowing our lips to meet. The kiss was gentle. It wasn't rough or needy; it was soft and savory. We were just enjoying each other's presence through the kiss.

Later on, we headed out to the parade. We were holding hands which wasn't something I would expect us to do, especially in public. While part of me was hesitant, the other more dominant part of me didn't care.

As we were walking through the crowd we spotted Bonnie. I exchanged a 'hello' with her before smiling and waving to Elena. Elena smiled and waved to me back.

Damon took it upon himself to walk in front of Bonnie and do the same in almost a taunting manner. Elena replied to his action by rolling her eyes and looking elsewhere before turning away to wave at other people.

Damon then turned around and stared at Bonnie. I knew this wasn't going to be good. I could sense the tension starting to rise between both of them.

After silently praying to myself that this situation wouldn't take a dark turn, I turned my attention to Bonnie who looked at Damon with annoyance and raised her eyebrows at him as she snarled out,"What do you want?"

"Just watching the parade with Arina," He commented cooly. Bonnie began to leave which caused Damon to abruptly add," Where are you going?"

"Away from you."

"I wanna say something to you," He quickly mentioned with a hint of nervousness evident in his tone.

"Just leave me alone," She said with annoyance. Bonnie clearly didn't care to hear what he had to say.

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