Chapter 22: The Grimoire

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I jolted out of bed to the sound of my phone beeping. I lazily grabbed it and saw that Elena sent me a text message. She apparently wanted me to come over to her house because she and Stefan needed to tell me something.

I still haven't confronted her about her attempt at compelling me to forget about Vicki's death and it was eating at me. I needed closure on the matter.

I got out of bed and quickly got ready. Right when I was applying some lip gloss, the doorbell rang. I figured maybe it was a package or something.

I heard my Dad shout,"Arina! There's someone at the door for you." I quickly finished applying the lipgloss and headed downstairs only to see Damon waiting outside the front door.

It appeared he was mid-conversation with my father and whatever he had said made my father on edge. I glanced back and forth between the two of them for a moment before locking eyes with Damon.

"Uh, hey." I had spoken up, slightly confused by Damon's presence.

"You know him?" My dad interrogated skeptically. It was evident that he was suspicious of Damon and I simply nodded my head.

"Yeah, he's-" I started but was cut off by Damon.

Damon looked my father in the eyes and I instantly knew he was going to try and use compulsion on him as soon as Damon's pupils dilated.

"Your daughter and I are great friends. I'm just here to pick her for lunch. By the way, you like me more than my brother," Damon compelled with a sideways smirk. I face palmed as his last sentence left his lips. Someone is feeling petty today...

"Okay. Have fun!" My dad chirped, his voice sounding more chipper and relaxed in comparison to the suspicious tone he had moments ago.

"We will," Damon replied with a smirk and I curiously followed him out of the house.

He opened the passenger door of his car and I got in. As soon as he opened his door and sat down in the drivers seat he murmured,"I think Elena and Stefan are lying to me."

"And that's my problem why?" I inquired slightly confused and slightly annoyed. I was supposed to be heading to Elena's house right now and if I didn't get there soon, Elena would probably start worrying.

"It's going to be a problem if they don't work with me on getting Katherine out of the tomb. In order to open the tomb, we need to find the Gilbert journal. Once we have the Gilbert journal we use it to get the grimoire and undo the spell. I put Elena on journal duty but something tells me she's not going to hand it over," He elaborated seriously as he revved up his car and drove away from my house.

"And you want me to convince her to give it to you?" I questioned out, trying to follow along.

"Exactly, or even take it from her. Whichever works best." He grinned, glancing away from the road to look at me for a moment.

I chewed on my bottom lip as I stayed silent for a moment before I curiously challenged him, "What if I say I won't do it?"

Damon shifted in his seat before he replied,"I would understand. I can tell you don't want your friends to know that we get along. However, it would mean a lot to me if you could help me. You're the only person I trust," He calmly explained.

There was an evident glint in his eyes that showed rawness and vulnerability. I could tell he was being honest with me.

I stared at Damon's chiseled side profile as he focused on the road. My mouth parted slightly for a moment before I finally replied,"I'll help." His honesty was enticing.

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