Chapter 9

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Aaron's POV

I wake up and overhear Sophie talking to someone on her phone. I squint my eyes and check the clock. Its 8:07am. Why is she up so early? Everything seems faint and blurry because I'm half asleep.

"Yeah I missed you a lot, and I'm super excited to see you."

I heard her squeal. Who is that?

"Ohk, let's talk later. See you! Bye Nate." She said and hung up.


Isn't Nate a boy name? Uhm I'm pretty sure it is. Whoever he is he needs to hop off because she's taken. Well sort of, not really. Sophie crawled back in bed and snuggled back in my arms. I was so sleepy and comfortable with her here, that before I could confront her about this, I fell back to sleep.



I toss and turn realizing that I couldn't feel Sophie in my arms anymore. My eyes flutter open and I sit up. I rub my eyes with the back of my hand to adjust my vision. It's already 10:47 am. "Sophie!" I call out. She's not here. I walk in the restroom to freshen up. I put on my red Magcon hoodie, beige jeans and a pair of red Vans. She still hasn't come back yet, so text her:

*hey babe where you at???*

* morning bebs. I'm down at the food court eating breakfast with Gia.*

*ok I'll be down there in a few*

*alright (-:*

I hurry down the halls and go down the elevator. I search the food court for her, then recognize her wavy brown hair and petite body. But she wasn't with Gia, like she said she would be. She was with some guy. I soon recall what happened last night. Her phone call with Nate. I'm pretty sure that was him. They were talking and laughing with each other. Anger and jealousy took over my entire body, so I stomped towards their table. Soph noticed me coming and smiled at me. I got confused because I expected her to be shocked or guilty. I made it to the table and Soph pulled out an extra chair for me. I didn't say anything at first. I needed to control my anger so I wouldn't cause a scene.

"Aaron what's wrong?" Soph asked, and scrunched her eyebrows together.

"What's wrong?" I scoffed. She frowned and tried to hold my hand, but I didn't let her.

"Aaron why are you doing this?" She asked in a concerned tone.

"Well maybe if you didn't go behind my damn back and lie to me then we wouldn't have a problem, because I'm pretty sure this is not Gianella." I said motioning towards Nate. "I can't believe you would cheat. I over heard you're phone call last night with him and how you missed him and all that shit!" I yelled standing up.

"Aaron shut up! I wouldn't do that to you. I'm not like that. This is Gia's boyfriend, well ex now, and my best friend. Nothing more than that. And I wasn't lying to you. I was here with Gia, she's just in line getting us food. Nate came here after you texted me and we talked to him about Jack." She said with her hands entangled in her hair. "You should've just asked me who he was instead of making a fucking scene. I'm not a cheater. You know you can trust me. I don't go on dates or make out with other people. Unlike you." As soon as those two words came tumbling out of her mouth, I was speechless. I didn't know what to say or do. She really got me on that one. Soph stood in front of me waiting for a response but I couldn't speak. She soon turned away and left with Nate following behind her. This was completely humiliating. I can't believe I let this happen again. Why am I always the one to fuck shit up in our relationship. I'm such a screw up. I sat at the food court for a good two hours with my head down on the table. I finally built up most of my confidence and walked out. I knew how I was going to fix us.


Sophie's POV

I wasn't going to let Aaron ruin my day. My best friends and I have set things straight and we were reunited and happy. So we decided to go to Universal Studios because Nate and Gia have never been there before. We got in line for our tickets and I went on and on about how fun this place is. They rolled their eyes and laughed. Nick, being the gentleman he is, payed for our tickets and we also received annual passes! We walked through the entrance and I decided for us to go on the Transformers Ride. The line did go for like an hour and a half but it was so worth it. "4D RIDES ARE SO FUN!" Gia squealed.

"I know right?!" Nate said.

"Yeah that's why I love this place." I added.

When we exited the ride we saw Megatron. And yes I mean the Megatron. There was an actual robot and he was huge. We got in line to meet him and take pictures. He was moving funny and kept saying fucked up shit to us. When we were finished taking pictures I yelled," I AINT YOUR PEASANT BITCH!" As I was walking away. I got scared because he understood what I said so I ran. Nate and Gia caught up to me and they were cracking up.

"Oh god Soph you're the best!" Gia said in between giggles.

"Oh I know." I said, flipping my hair and strutting in front of them.

We eventually rode all of the rides, and there wasn't really a lot to be honest. We took a long time just because the lines we so long. We also went on the Universal Studios Tour thing, which was my favorite part of the trip. Before we left we strolled around the City Walk because it was dark and all the lights were on. It was a really pretty sight. We bought a couple souvenirs and left. Today was great, even though I had that incident with Aaron this morning. My friends made me forget all about it. Nate dropped Gia and I off at the hotel and we said our goodbyes. Gia and I arrived to our room and we were really tired. It was 9:04pm and I decided to just sleep. Before I could go in the bathroom to get ready for bed, I noticed one of the biggest teddy bears I've ever seen sitting on my bed. I'm not kidding this bear was as big as me. I jumped on top of it and giggled, this was probably one of Aaron's ways to apologize to me.

"Omygaawwwsh! SOPHIE WHERE DID THAT COME FROM I WANT IT!" Gia screamed. I laughed and shook my head.

"Sucks to suck, doesn't it?" I said sticking my tongue out. She flipped me off and went in the bathroom. I hugged the bear tighter because it was so fluffy, but I noticed the bear was holding a piece of paper. I detached it from the bears arms and unfolded it. It was from Aaron.

Hi Soph,

I'm so sorry that I accused you of something like that. It just sounded like you were into him when you were on the phone with him. You know I'm the jealous type and my intentions weren't bad, my anger just got the best of me and I'm really sorry. I know I always fuck up in our relationship but I want you to know that I'm trying to change to make us happy. I'm not promising that this will be the last time that I screw up, you just make me completely insane and sometimes I can't think straight when it comes to you. I'm crazy for you Soph (: I know, this is cheesy as hell, and I know you don't like cheesy. Oops. Aha oh well. Hopefully this will get you to forgive me.

Love Aaron

I almost broke down reading this note. Yes it was cheesy, but I love it. I folded it in a small square and put it in my wallet. The bear also had another note attached to it. It was smaller and it said:

You'll always be the best cuddle buddy I've ever had, and I hate it when you're not by my side when I go to sleep. )-:

I literally cracked up from this, it was kind of rude but this is too cheesy for me to handle. Gia got out of the bathroom and sat down next to me. "Are you ready for your next surprise?" Gia asked excitedly.

"Are you kidding me? There's more? And you know about this?" I groaned.

"Yes now come on!" She dragged me out of our room. I can't believe he's making me go on some sort of scavenger hunt this late.





<Hello! Yes I know I said I would update before Wednesday, but school is a big bitch yaknow? And I have frickin frantastic news! IM GOING TO MAGCON SAN DIEGO YAAAAS GAGA YAAAAAS! Tickets literally sold out in 10 seconds and I managed to get one for Saturday VIP! AAHHH I'm so excited. I'll actually meet Aaron. Who knows maybe my fanfic will come to life?!? Haha I doubt it. Wutevr. Ok I'll update soon don't forget to vote lovelies!>

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