Chapter 14

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Sophie's POV

I woke up to the sound of my phone. I groaned. It was my mother. It's 6:45 am, why does she wake up so early.

Momma Bear:

*Dont forget you check out at 3:00 pm tomorrow just text me when you need to get picked up.*

I felt my breathe hitch and I couldn't breathe for a moment. I look over at Aaron and he's fast asleep. Tears roll down my cheek and my stomach feels like its in a knot. I can't leave him. I'm not ready. I sit up on the edge of the bed and bury my head in my hands. I quietly sob into my palms. My heart starts to hurt and I have trouble breathing. I try to calm down, but I can't stop crying. I want to stay with them forever. I slight smile forms on my face as I imagine what it'd be like living with all of them in a gigantic beach house. My breathing returns to normal but tears continue to fall.

I feel a hand rub my back and I jump. I turn around and found Aaron. He looks just as hurt as I am. He wipes my tears and I sit in between his legs. I continue to cry as he whispers soothing things to me. I'll miss this so much. I'm going to miss waking up to him everyday. I'm going to miss teasing him. I'm going to miss cuddling with him. I'm going to miss hearing him laugh. I'm going to miss kissing him constantly. All these things going through my mind make my cry more.

"Shh. Baby don't cry, this is not forever. I promise I'll try my best to keep us going. We'll FaceTime, text, and call everyday." He said.

"That won't be the same." I hiccuped.

"I'll visit whenever I can."

"What if you can't."

"I don't care if they tell me I can't, I will for you." He cooed.

"I'm scared." I mumbled.

"Of what?"

"What if you meet a girl at Magcon and you fall for her, just like you did with me, and forget about us. I'm not much and there will be hundreds of other girls that are bett-" he cut off my rambling by kissing me passionately. I ran out of breathe and pulled away. He cupped my face and looked me in the eyes.

"That won't happen because your the only one I want. I don't care how beautiful those other girls are because you're perfect in my eyes. Don't put yourself down because you're so much better than you think you are." I smiled and threw myself into his arms. He rubbed my back as I sobbed onto his shoulder. "I love you." He whispered. I stopped crying and froze. It took me by surprise. I know it's way too soon, but I've been hopelessly in love with him since the day I found him on vine. Hearing him say those words to me makes my heart melt.

"I love you." I said. He smiled and kissed me once again. We got under the covers, and fell asleep with our arms wrapped around each other.



The sunlight seeped through the holes of the blinds and hit my face. I narrowed my eyes and frowned.

One more day.

I turned around to face Aaron. He looked like a baby in his sleep. I smiled and snuggled up closer to him. He was wearing a maroon tank top that revealed the freckles on his shoulder, which I adored. I poked his cheek and his eyes slowly opened. He smiled and I kissed his cheek. "Morning baby." He said in his extremely attractive morning voice.

"Good morning babe." I cooed. I sat up and put my back against the headboard of the bed. Aaron laid his head on my lap, and I stroked his hair. "What are we doing today?"

"No idea." He shrugged.

Just as if on cue, Gia walked through the door. "You two love birds need to get your asses up and ready, because we're going to Disneyland!" She screamed. I squealed and jumped on the bed excitedly. I sprinted to the bathroom and heated up the shower.

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