Chapter 22

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Aaron's POV

I could here people talking, but their voices were muffled. Why can't I move?

It took sometime, but I found the strength to open my eyes. My vision was blurry and a bright light hovering over me, made me squint. I groaned. I heard a gasp and I looked to my right.

"He's finally awake!" A woman said, who I presumed was a nurse.

"Go get the doctor!" The other nurse said. The woman ran out the door as the other one came up to me. "Hi Aaron, how are you feeling?" She asked softly.

"My head hurts a lot, and my sides feel sore." I said, my voice raspy. She wrote some things down on a notepad and nodded.

"Ok I'll get you some pain killers, you wait here. The doctor will arrive in a minute." She told me and walked out.

How long have I been here? How did I even end up here?

I was so confused, tired, and pained.

A man wearing a white coat walked in. "Hey there Aaron. You're finally awake."

"Why am I here?" I asked.

"You were in a terrible car accident."

"Oh..." was all I could say. "Where are my friends and family?"

"We just called your mother and she's on her way here." I sighed. The doctor handed me the painkillers.

"Thanks doctor." I smiled and popped them in my mouth. I took the water bottle on the bedside stand and downed the pills.

"Just relax and get some rest for today call us if anything." He smiled and walked out.

I became bored with myself and I groaned. It feels like everyone is dead. I playing with some of the equipment hanging on the wall. Then I checked the drawers of the bedside stand. I slid open the second drawer and found my phone and phone charger. I charged my phone with a nearby outlet and waited. It soon powered up and turned on. The first thing I saw when I unlocked it was my lock screen, which was a picture of me and Soph. I remember the day we took this, it was the day I apologized and we were laying on the beach, gazing at the stars.


Where is she?

I miss her so much, I told her I would call when my plane landed and I never did. Fuck.

Before I was able to call her, Taylor and Dillon stumbled into the room. "AARON!" they both screeched simultaneously, and tackled me.

"Ouch guys! Ow ow ow..." I mumbled.

"Oops." Tay chuckled and climbed off of me. "Bro I've missed you so much, I stayed here for you, but the others left. Dude I can't believe how long it's been. We need to ca-" I cut off his rambling.

"What do you mean the others left?" I knitted my brows together.

"As soon as we heard you were in a car accident, we flew all the way over here. But you were in a coma for so long, that the rest of the group had to leave."

"What about Soph?" I asked.

"She was here, but she left a little while later than the others did." Dillon said.

"She didn't stay?" my voice cracked.

"I'm sorry bro. She's back in LA." Taylor told me. A long silence filled the room as I took all of this in.

"How long?" I asked.

"What?" Tay looked up.

"How long was I in a coma?" I said.

"About 4 months."

Sophie's POV

"Matt stop it!" I squealed, as he continued to fling more popcorn at my face. We were currently laying in my living room watching The Fosters marathon. Pillows, blankets, and snack wrappers littered the floor caused by our intense pillow fight and who-could-build-a-better-fort contest. "You're so annoying." I huffed.

"Oh baby, you know you love it." He chuckled. He threw two skittles in the air and caught both in his mouth. I rolled my eyes and he snuggled closer to me. He swiftly pecked my lips, making me blush.

"You're such a dork Matt." I giggled.

"You love me." He smirked. I turned my whole body around to face him.

"Oh really now?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Yes you said so." He pouted.

"I don't recall." I shook my head and turned my attention to the tv, ignoring his childish remarks.

"Admit it or else." He threatened.

"Or else what?" I retorted.

He quickly pinned me down on the couch. I hissed. "Or else this." He smirked and I groaned. I somehow pushed him off the couch and onto the floor. "Ow Soph what the fuck." He grunted. I burst into fits of giggles, but unintentionally rolled off the couch and landed on top of Matthew. He held my waist and wiggled his eyebrows up and down. "I know you want a piece of this ice cream cake."

"You wish babe." I smirked.

"So babe, I think we should, make out."

"Oh really?" I said bringing my face closer to his. He brought his lips up to my neck and placed a soft kiss on it.

"Really." He breathed out, giving me goosebumps. He moved his face back up to mine. I straddled him and my chest was pressed to his. Matt pressed his lips to mine and I smiled. He flicked his tongue on my bottom lip and he grabbed my ass. I slightly yelped at his action, causing him to chuckle against my lips.

'I'm still in love with you Callie' I faintly heard from the tv. I gasped and pulled away from him.

"Soph wha-"

"HOLY SHIT BRANDON JUST CONFESSED HIS LOVE TO CALLIE" I screamed followed by an inhumane sound I choked out. Matt laughed and pulled me onto his lap.

"I love how you get so in to things like these, it's adorable." He mumbled.

"Thanks." I blushed.

Me and Matt were not really a couple. We were best friends who did couply stuff, and well... we kiss a lot. We were basically together, we just didn't label our relationship. I don't know. I guess I fell for him during the time Aaron was in the hospital, well he still is at the hospital. Matthew was so sweet and caring and he helped me a lot. I just fell head over heel for him. I did always have a guilt feeling because I was still with Aaron. But there was absolutely nothing I could do. It hurt like hell but I had to get over him. It's just a mess and a lot has happened during the past 4 months.


Sorry I put him into a coma for 4 months and made Sophie end up with Matt.

But who do you ship more




Idk how to come up with ship names sue me babe


would you guys actually watch me if I did a younow like I don't want to broadcast and have like 1 viewer lmao but I could answer questions and whatnot about the story during the broadcast. idk pls comment your thoughts

And I can you give me ideas on who to cast Soph as she's really petite and she has long wavy brown hair, and she has hazel eyes

Oh and she gotta booty

Lmao ok ily all don't forget to vote

Twitter: @ohsexpinosa

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