- Milk Cow Blues (Keith Richards) -

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For Wicked_Annabella. I tried to include everything you requested, so we have  a mention of Trumpmart, cows and some other elements that usually make an appearance in your stories. I hope you like it. This was written somewhat soberly, so don't expect too much and well it's rather short. 

Warning:  You probably need to be high or drunk for this to make completely sense  and well there's some Anita bashing at the end. It just seemed fitting for this, that doesn't mean I hate her or anything. 

Once upon a time there was a fairy, who at some point in the future was going to curse a man with the skin tone of an orange to fall in love with an american supermarket chain, but that's a story for another day

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Once upon a time there was a fairy, who at some point in the future was going to curse a man with the skin tone of an orange to fall in love with an american supermarket chain, but that's a story for another day. This story is about a boy and his love for cows. 

It all started when Keith was 5 and saw his first real cow, or at least it was the first one he could remember. It had been so much bigger than him and he had felt scared for a minute until his father held him up to pet the cow, reassuring him nothing bad would happen. 

Shyly Keith had reached his hand out. The cow didn't move nor did it look like it wanted to eat him, so Keith found his courage and touched it. The cows fur or was it skin? felt odd. It wasn't soft as he had expected it to be, but it was firmer.  He stroked the cows snout nonetheless and it seemed to enjoy it, because it wagged its tail. Keith giggled and decided that from this day on he liked cows. Not knowing what this innocent statement had for consequences later in his life. 

Nor did the fairy, who was flying over an average London street, filled with grass and cows, when she saw the adorable picture of a five year old with big ears stroking a cow. The fairy stopped to marvel at the innocent sight. It was a nice distraction after the fairy had been so busy during WWII making Hitler fall in love with Volkswagen. Not one of her/his? (What gender does a fairy have?) their (fuck it!) best decisions, it had taken such a tragic end... He had blown both of them up in his bomb shelter in Berlin. It was the perfect plot for a Shakespearean play though. 

But back to young Keith and his cow. His father had put the small boy down on the ground and the cow towered over him. It bend down and for a short moment the fairy feared, the cow would bit Keith and end this idly setting, but it didn't. It only licked him and messed up his hair. 

The fairy awwwwed and took a decision. Such an adorable bond needed to be sacred and so they  waved their wand for the boy to always love cows, before they disappeared again to look for somebody else to curse. (Probably the poor author of this story for writing this mess)  At this point of course nobody could have known what fatal consequences this would have on the boys life later on.

At first none, Keith grew up and there was not a trace that the magic of the fairy had influenced him in any way. He still liked cows of course, in no matter what form: alive, as steak, as toys, as leather... He even liked to drink milk, but beside his awkward look, Keith seemed perfectly normal.

Beside his taste in friends, maybe. *cough* Mick *cough* Jagger *cough*

However even that could be excused, the Rolling Stones were primary about the music and Mick no matter how annoying he sometimes could be, could sing a bit and draw a crowd. 

And Keith liked performing. Being on stage, playing guitar, doing exactly what he always dreamt of doing all his life. It definitely didn't look as if the fairy's magic had changed his life to the worst.

At least it didn't until one faithful day in the year 1965 in Munich, when he saw her for the first time. 

She was blond, pretty and sadly not interested in Keith. Her eyes were on Brian, who already had more than one girl waiting for him. Keith knew this too would only end up in heartache, leaving him no other choice, but to step in. 

He got closer to the pair and in the distance he could faintly hear Dave Davies voice singing "...You can count the days I'm gone, I'm gonna leave, Gonna leave you lovin' baby, oh some day...".

How fitting, Keith thought as he glanced at the blond couple. You could certainly count the days until Brian was going to leave her. Keith was just trying to speed the process a bit up.

"I wouldn't trust a word Brian says, he always appears charming to beautiful girls like yourself," Keith said with a smile to the girl, who seemed a bit confused at his sudden appearance, but there was a hint of amusement on her face as well. There was none on Brian's however. The blond guitarist was in certain aspects, just like a child. One that didn't like it if somebody else was trying to steal his toy. He glared at Keith and he didn't need to say a word for the other guitarist to know that he preferred him gone.

Keith, on the other hand wouldn't have been Keith if he had just given in, especially not if there was something that draw him nearly magically to this girl. "I'm Keith and it's a pleasure to meet you."

If Brian hadn't been fully interested in her, he now was. His arm found its way around the girl, pulling her closer to him. Definitely a try to signalise Keith to fuck off, but he couldn't, especially not after the next thing the girl did. 

The girl glanced one last time between Keith and Brian, before she answered him with a bright smile on her lips.  "My name is Anita and it's a pleasure to meet you as well."

Nobody could have known at that time, of how much importance this meeting was. History might have taken a different turn, if it hadn't happen... Or at least if the fairy hadn't cursed Keith to love cows, this might have happened differently. As things go Anita wasn't only a cow, she was a demon cow and brought destruction wherever she went. 

There was however something she never was able to destroy, Keith's love for cows. 

- The End -

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