-Time Waits For No One (Brian Jones)-

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Sorry no real update I only decided to delete my other one shot book, because I'm no longer using it, so I'm only publishing the ones I wrote for the Stones in this one. However I try to work on some new things next week or maybe in two weeks? Uni is still crazy for now...

Anyway this is the start of my story Out of Time from Brian's view, sorry for the shameless story promotion, but I didn't want to put it in the actual book, because that's only in the OC's view and even though I wanted to write more from Brian's view I never did. At this point I would already be glad if I could finish the story... Never mind. 


Hours are like diamonds, don't let them waste

Time waits for no one, no favours has heTime waits for no one, and he won't wait for me*

It's always the same, Brian thought as he followed Keith, Bill and Mick into some bar. Usually he wouldn't have even bothered to come with them, but they didn't accept his no and he had nothing against a drink to be honest. He just didn't want to have one with them.

It used to be fun, but nowadays he nearly was glad when he didn't have to see them. The Rolling Stones were not what they used to be nor were they what Brian had envisioned upon founding them. They were successful, sure, but it was getting more and more a pain. Everywhere they went, there were people around them, people with nothing on their mind than being with them because they were famous. Simple minded spirits or noisy ones and Brian couldn't stand neither even on his good days, which seemed to become fewer and fewer.

"I'll fetch something to drink and maybe I find something entertaining as well." Keith winked and was off. Brian sat down next to Bill, who seemed tired and probably wanted to be here as much as him or maybe he was wrong. Either ways he didn't care, at least Bill wasn't as annoying as Mick or Keith. Brian couldn't stand the two of them together. On their own he could deal with them, but never together.

"Are you alright?" Bill asked him and he just mumbled mmm. The bassist sighed. "Well you don't look fine. You know maybe if you-"

"Can we just drop this, I get it and yes I'm not fine, but does it matter? No, so forget it," Brian interrupted him rudely. He knew Bill was only worried, but he didn't need to have him breathing down his neck. He lit himself a cigarette to calm somewhat down, even if he doubted it made a difference.

"Alright, I won't say a word again, but this won't help you."

Brian snorted and was just about to retort something  to Bill, when Keith interrupted him.

"Look, what I found, guys!"

Brian looked over to Keith, but could already guess what the other had found. Girls and only two. This meant probably that only Mick and Keith were going to get lucky, considering the Stones were all about them nowadays.

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