- Like a Rolling Stone (Ronnie Wood) -

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Happy Birthday, Ronnie Wood!~

Warning: This is my first time writing smth with Ronnie in it, so let's hope I don't fuck up too bad and well it's a bit weird probably as well.

Furthermore I probably should mention that Mick won't get much love in this book. 1. He's my least favourite member of The Stones and 2. It's just too much fun to be savage to him. 😅


Ronnie knew the Rolling Stones.

Of course he did, everyone knew them. It probably was impossible not to have heard of them in the last few years, especially if you were as involved with the music scene as Ronnie was. However he didn't only know them for their music, but he had become friends with them or at least with Keith a while ago. Good friends even. Nearly immediately, the moment they had met. So when they asked him to join them as their new guitarist after Mick Taylor had left, Ronnie didn't have to think twice about his decision. Of course, not knowing how naive he had been.

A normal day for the Stones included more drama than silly authors of crappy fanfictions 40 years in the future could come up with. 

Nobody bothered to mention that to Ronnie though. Then again Charlie and Bill probably were immune to the drama by now, Keith probably didn't give a damn and Mick well... he was drama personified. 

And well if a band as the Rolling Stones asks you to join, turning them down sounds ridiculous, especially if you are already close friends with the other guitarist, so Ronnie did what everyone would have done in his place. He accepted, ignorant of what was still to come. 

Ronnie's first day as their new guitarist of the Rolling Stones started with: "KEITH GET YOUR FUCKING LAZY ASS HERE IMMEDIATELY." Mick Jagger's usually already an- let's call it unique voice rung throughout the whole building. Whatever Keith had done, it had got the singer in an uproar and knowing Keith Richards, that could vary from something harmless to something potential dangerous. Ronnie was already chuckling to himself. He wasn't even 5 minutes here and his day already promised to be fun.

"FUCK OFF! I'M BUSY!" yelled the guitarist back. Ronnie wasn't exactly sure if he would indeed agree with him though. Keith was perhaps busy, but he could have easily stopped to look what Mick wanted, if he would have cared. Judging from Keith's face he didn't give a damn about whatever Mick was crying over. He was eating a sandwich and reading a newspaper in such a calm manner as if his best friend hadn't just yelled out for him. 

"I DON'T FUCKING CARE! GET OVER HERE. NOW!"shouted the singer anew and Ronnie wondered if this was a regular occurrence. Knowing Mick, he probably had a reason to yell at Keith, but it probably wasn't as bad as the singer made it out to be. Mick did have a tendency to dramatise everything.

Keith seemed to come to the same conclusion. He simply shrugged and took a sip out of a cup, Ronnie doubted contained tea and the open Jack Daniels bottle on the table underlined his theory. The only thing that didn't fit in was the cup, why was he using one if he could have just drunk out of the bottle? 

Then again did it matter? Half of the things Keith did, had a very dubious reason. Maybe it was his good luck cup, that he needed to drink out before a recording. Ronnie shrugged, this didn't matter anyway and made himself a cup of tea. Real tea, before he sat down next to Keith. The other guitarist nodded in his direction and continued to read the newspaper and to eat his sandwich. 

Ronnie let out a deep breath. Beside Mick's earlier breakdown, this seemed far too peaceful for a band that was infamous for their bad behaviour. Not that he was complaining though. He liked fun and to be a partner in crime to Keith, but a peaceful moment now and then certainly couldn't hurt. 

No matter how short it was.  

"KEITH! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU HIDING?" rung Mick Jagger's voice anew through the record studio, but it was closer this time. "I KNOW YOU'RE THE ONE TO BLAME FOR THIS!" His voice was getting closer, but Keith still didn't react as if he was concerned at all. If it weren't for the little smile on his lips, Ronnie might have believed that Keith indeed had nothing to do with whatever had happened. The guitarist tried to hide it though by taking another sip out of his cup and Ronnie as well had nearly troubles hiding his own curiosity. He badly wanted to ask Keith what he had done to get the singer so annoyed, but he suspected he would find out in a couple of minutes anyway. 

And he did. 

Not exactly how he had imagined finding out about it, but Keith's deed was clearly visible the moment Mick entered the kitchen and Ronnie couldn't help himself. He burst out laughing, earning himself a glare from the singer in the process. "Oh so you're in on this too? Freaking great. If the world needed one more thing than it was another Keith," Mick remarked sarcastically. 

Keith chuckled. "Damn. What a great world this would be then."

"Rather the end of the world," Mick retorted and Ronnie nearly thought he had to burst out laughing again. Those two definitely were too much. They had some kind of weird love hate relationship even if Ronnie would have said it looked rather than they were family than anything else. They argued, but in the end they always were there for each other.    

"Everything is the end of the world for you anyway. Mick, seriously let your hair down and just have some fun," Keith said nonchalantly and Ronnie couldn't hold it back no longer. The mention of hair had just been too much.

 "Is that why you thought putting some glue on my hairbrush was a great idea? So that I let my hair down?" the singer asked rolling his eyes and held his hand up which was holding or rather had a hairbrush glued to it. 

Keith shrugged. "I could have put the glue somewhere else than the handle, so you should still be thankful for that. I just wanted to help you after all. Your hair definitely needs a break."

"So it was you after all!" Mick yelled out and Keith eyes widened, realising that he had just given himself away. Ronnie wasn't sure if he should have felt pity at Keith's own stupidity or laugh even more than he already was. 

"Fuck..." was all Keith mumbled.

Mick again rolled his eyes. "Well I certainly don't need any beauty advice from you. So can you get this thing off again or do I need to run around like this the whole day?"

"Well you don't need your hand," Keith said. Resulting in Mick hitting him over the head with the brush. "Ow, why did you do this?" the guitarist asked rubbing his head. 

"Well you don't need your head."

Ronnie just laughed.

With joined forces, they finally managed to get the hairbrush off the grumpy singer without damaging Mick physically. Keith's first idea had been to simply cut off his hand, about which Mick hadn't been very happy. Sometime later Charlie turned up and saved them how he often did. One definitely needed to have respect for the coolness Charlie Watts had, even after having to deal with Mick and Keith on a daily basis. 

"Sometimes I wish I could get rid of you two that easily as well..." Charlie mumbled sighing after they had finally gotten the brush of off Micks hand. 

"No way, you love us too much and imaging how boring your life would be without Mick and me," Keith replied smiling. 

Boring indeed, Ronnie thought and just knew he wanted to be part of wherever it was these guys were heading to. 

Thank you for reading, voting and commenting!♡♡♡

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