- Blue Turns To Grey (Mick Jagger)-

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She's not home when you call
So you can go to all
The places where she used to go
But she has gone away
Then blue turns to grey
And try as you may
You just don't feel good
You don't feel alright


He couldn't remember how much time had passed since he had last seen her, but definitely too much. Mick wasn't even sure if he really had recognised her or if his mind was only playing tricks on him. Perhaps the drugs, alcohol or whatever had already kicked in and he just saw what he wanted to see... The woman before him could be just another passing girl or the one he had left so many years ago.

Her hair was long and curly, instead of short and straight and still it strangely fitted this new version of her. She looked more natural in a way, her make-up too was nearly gone, besides a bit of lipstick. Wine red and he wondered if her lips tasted like it too... She was smiling and Mick felt like she was teasing him, making him want her even more.

Still her inviting lips weren't what got him, but her eyes. He had always adored them and even after all this time he felt captivated by them, even if she wasn't even glancing his way. They still had this magical effect and he couldn't tear his gaze away.

She was dancing like she was the only person in the room and for him in that moment she was. He remembered how much she always had liked to dance. No matter how tired she was, she wouldn't pass a chance to. They used to have so much fun back in the days, Keith, Brian, her and him. No matter if she stayed over at their flat or if they went out, it always had been a blast, at least for the little while they were together. She had left and then Brian, now it was only Keith and him. They still had fun of course, but it wasn't the same anymore and it never would be again.

"What are you staring at?"

Mick didn't reply. He was not in a mood for talking and especially not this kind of talk. She was his dream, not Keith's and he surely didn't feel like sharing, but knowing Keith he probably wouldn't give up until Mick had at least told him something.

"Nothing much, that bird looks good," He finally mumbled and hoped that was enough to get the guitarist of his back for now.

"You know you won't get anywhere with her, if you just keep looking at her," Keith joked. "Show her your famous dance moves and she probably drops her dress faster than you can blink or calls a doctor because she thinks you're having a seizure."

Mick just snorted at that. He loved Keith dearly, but on some days he couldn't stand him and this moment was one of those. All he wanted was to sit here, observing her and memorizing every inch of her body. How it moved to the rhythm to te music, how her eyes shone bright when they hit the light or how her dress embraced her curves... He nearly thought he could feel her skin again under his fingertips. It had always been so soft... It probably still was and he felt a strange longing to hold her again. Mick shook his head, desperately trying to drive these thoughts away. They wouldn't do him any good.

She was gone and he wouldn't get her back. This was just another lucid dream, even if it seemed so real... He wondered if he got up and walked over to her, if she would still be there or if she would simply disappear into thin air.

However Mick never got the chance to find out, before he could make his mind up, something wet hit him in the face. Beer. He looked over to Keith, who was smiling and the dazzling spell Mick had been under was broken.

"What?" Mick grumbled.

Keith just shrugged and took a sip from his remaining beer. "You were acting odd."

"And that's reason enough to spill beer over me?"

"It's good for the hair too," Keith offered shrugging.

Mick shook his head at his friend and looked back to the dancing floor to search for her, but she was gone. There was no longer a trace of her and Mick sighed. He had missed his chance... which probably was for the best anyway. Nothing good could have come out of it. Only pain and more longing he never would be able to satisfy.

He was about to turn his attention back to Keith, when someone different caught it. A blond man had his back towards him and Mick's stomach turned. He knew that shape to well.

"Brian..." He mumbled.

"Hm...?" He could hear Keith humming, but Mick didn't react. He surely didn't want to lose a familiar face again, only because Keith wanted to talk to him or whatever the other was up to, especially not now.

The Brian like figure turned around and smiled up at him. Their eyes met. Brian nodded at him and raised his glass. Out of nowhere she was back, standing now at Brian's side looking like she always had, like the last time he had seen her... Minus the tears. She was smiling like Brian up at him with a drink in her hand. They looked happy and Mick had no idea if this should make him relieved or melancholic. Of course he was glad that they both had found their peace, even if Mick would have wished them a happier ending. The one killed in a car crash and the other one drowned, both teared out of life too young and too cruel. Mick had never gotten time to apologize to her and Brian well... he didn't want to think about everything that had gone wrong with him...

Mick simply raised his glass as well and they drunk together one last time as they had done so many times before.

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