- Put Me In the Trash Part 1 -

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Before anyone reads the following story, be warned as you obviously could already guess from the previous one shots in here my mental state is debatable. I published this originally in my bio book, which I deleted, but this story is too well idk to just disappear.

To fully understand this story you probably need to read PheebMcGeeb's amazing story first!

She made this picture too:

And muiclover04 made this one:

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And muiclover04 made this one:

And muiclover04 made this one:

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Thank you, both a lot. ❤


A trash can named Mick Jagger

Keith Drugs Richards a.k.a. DruggedUpMan

Brian Jones

Charlie Watts; Charlesebub

Bill Whyman, Kinky Billy
& the author as his girlfriend


So let's start:




Keith was in love.

Not with drugs, though he loved them very much and made no secret out of it nor whiskey, even if he hardly could been seen without one.

No Keith was in love with a trash can.

Mick as its name was, was everything Keith had ever wanted in a partner. Mick was egoistic, only cared about himself, was an assshole to basically everyone, wanted all attention on him and would have sacrificed Keith the moment he couldn't use him anymore.

Truly true love.

It hadn't always been easy for the pair though, Charlie had violated Mick in the most degrading way one could imagine- by putting a chewing gum inside him. They had no choice, but to throw him out of the band. Bill left willingly and Brian- well who knew what really went inside his pretty head anyway, was out as well. There was no space for anyone between Mick and Dick.

Their love and success soon brought other people with grudges along and Mick and Dick had to face their hardest challenge yet until they got there happily ever after...


P.S. No this introduction wasn't inspired by Star Wars at all. In fact the author has never heard of it and certainly is not fond of a certain Han Solo.


Act I

Keith woke up and immediately felt the absence of his lover.

Frowning the guitarist got up. Mick never woke up before him- or if he did, he made sure to wake Keith up immediately. The singer didn't like to be alone, because after all if no one was there, who would pay attention to him?

No Mick wouldn't have just left, Keith was sure, which lead to only one conclusion: Somebody had kidnapped his one true love.

The guitarist in all his anger and pain did what normal people in those situation usually do- emptied a full bottle of Whiskey, snorted some cocaine and threw a television out of the room- after all he needed to be in his best shape to rescue Mick.

He wouldn't stop at anything to get his beloved trash can back.

And so DruggedUpMan was born.

Among his superpowers were Immortality and Immunity to any toxic substances, but sadly intelligence wasn't one of them and DruggedUpMan missed the note on the coffee table, when he run out of his flat to interrogate his first suspect.

Charlie Watts had been against their relationship right from the start and Keith didn't think twice about it, when he suddenly turned up at the drummers home in Denmark. He had wanted to smash the door in for a dramatic entrance, but the door was a stronger enemy than Keith would have thought.... The drummer always had been kinda thoughtful. Of course if he would kidnap somebody, he would make sure no one could simply stumble upon them. Maybe Charlie could fool everyone with his goody two shoes act, but not Keith. Charlie Watts was pure evil and he needed to be prepared if he wanted to face him, DruggedUpMan thought as the door suddenly opened.

"Oh Keith. What are you doing here?" The Devil in human form, Charlie Watts asked. "Would you like to come inside and have a cup of tea with me ? I was just about to make one, it's rather cold outside and you don't look well."

Keith snorted. "You can't fool me, Devil! Where is my beloved?"

The former drummer, now Beelzebub- Charlesebub just frowned worriedly at our hero. "Are you fine?"

"How can I be fine, when my love is missing, but you already knew that, don't you? Charlesebub!"

"Mick has disappeared?!" Charlie exclaimed, sensing what the true reason of the guitarist distraught was. "Is that why you're here?"

"Don't act so surprised, you kidnapped him!"

"Why should I have kidnapped him?" The devilish drummer asked.

"You were jealous!"

"I'm happy here, Keith and I was happy for you two. Believe me I'm innocent...." Charlie explained and DruggedUpMan could see he was telling the truth. "Did Mick leave no trace when he disappeared or did you get a message about money or anything?"

Keith hadn't thought about that at all and judging from Charlie's facial expression he hadn't suspected the guitarist to do so.

"Well let's go back to your place and look for Mick."


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