- Goats Head Soup (Bill Wyman) -

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Warnings: the author probably needs to be send to therapy or something

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Warnings: the author probably needs to be send to therapy or something... This was written kind of fast, tired af and slightly hungover (which is apparently the only state I manage to write one shots in) and well mentions of sex and Bill? it's rather short though, well I just felt like writing smth.


Bill might not have been considered as handsome as Mick Jagger by most, but somehow he appealed to people, especially women.  His little black book of sexual conquests certainly was prove that he definitely could not only keep up with the singer, but even surpass him in question of who the ladies man of the Rolling Stones was. Some people even believed him to have coined the term groupie. He didn't, but he probably could have. 

Whereas the others indulged in drugs and alcohol, Bill found girls far more tempting and satisfying than anything else. Why alter his mind to the point he forgot everything when he could fill it with the sweet Ecstasy of sex and the memories of it? In his opinion there simply was nothing better and as long as he could enjoy his time he would. 

Hence why he never made a promise to a girl. He had been married once and as far as he was concerned he didn't need another wife any time soon. Bill was fine with having a new girl- even several in one night. He wasn't Keith, who for some reason only was interested in a girl if he got more out of their relationship than just sex. Well in some cases 'something more' had been drugs or something else hardly romantic, but in the end Keith always needed a reason to sleep with a girl. Bill didn't. Sex was sex. 

Sadly not everyone understood that equally well. Some girls were fine with having a one night stand and quietly left after they finished. Others however didn't seem to get the message. Some occurrences had been funny and even flattering. Who wouldn't like to have two attractive girls fighting over one? It wasn't only a huge ego boost, it was kind of sexy as well, even if Bill had to break up the fight at some point. 

Fights were rather the exception though, usually the girls that didn't understand that Bill wasn't interested in them yelled at him rather than each other, but in the end they always left and Bill moved on to the next girl. The system seemed to work, despite a few exceptions.

They were working on a new album in Jamaica to fulfill their contract. They didn't have much figured out though, a few songs- a lot more they recorded than would ever end up on the album though, but nothing remotely concrete. Well everything had been a bit spontaneous anyway, many countries had turned them away or well rather Keith and Jamaica had been on of the only option they still had left. Bill wasn't sure what to expect and hence why he was mildly surprised at how international the country really was. People of every nations were staying there and Bill soon got involved with a girl, he believed to be from Spain originally, but she could have been Portuguese as well. He never asked, all he knew was that she was from Europe and had a rather southern touch, which he appreciated a lot at first. Her temperament had been more than once been very welcome on his part, until he grew tired of her. 

It hadn't been a very gentleman thing to do of him, but he needed a break and so he told her until he had thought of a better excuse that he was sick and couldn't come to see her. Bill had no idea how she knew he wasn't at his home, but was at the studio when she decided to visit him- it probably didn't matter though. She turned up, concern obvious on her face, which turned into a frown when she saw him.

"You lied to me," she stated the obvious. "You just wanted to be rid of me."

Bill sighed and he could already hear the other people around snicker. Of course this must be funny as hell if you weren't in his place. "Iolanda, I-"

"Cala a boca!" she cried out interrupting him. Bill had no idea what she had said, but it hardly could mean anything nice, judging by the expression on her face. "I should have known better than to expect anything from- from somebody like you!"

At this point everyone was definitely looking at Bill and his more than mad ex-girlfriend, who was probably only moments away from strangling him.  He gulped hard. "I- Can we discuss this perhaps later?"

"Later?" she snorted. "There's no later. We're over!"

At the words over Bill sighed relieved and everyone else in the room seemed to sigh in disappointment. Iolanda turned away in a swift motion and Bill was sure she would just head out of the studio and out of his life forever when she stopped mid-step, making him shiver. He just knew this couldn't mean anything good for him.

"I still need to give you something first."

Bill frowned and before he or anyone else could react, she walked up to him, pulled some sort of container out of her handbag and emptied it on him. Surprised he yelled out. The liquid was still warm, not enough to burn him though, which didn't mean it was a nice sensation either. The smell was awful and it was sticky as hell. In short it simply was disgusting and Bill felt awful. At least he wasn't wearing anything nice, but just a shirt and some jeans.

"Hope you enjoy your soup and feel better soon," she told him with a smile on her lips and then finally walked away, before again anyone could react and throw her out. The studio was dead quiet at first until Keith burst out laughing and soon everyone followed his exampla and laughed at Bill. He only groaned and tried to shake the remaining liquid off himself before he headed to the bathroom to clean up a bit. He probably needed a shower though to be completely free of the sticky mess and the awful smell.

He definitely didn't want to find out what Iolanda had used to make this soup and he didn't seem to be the only one. 

"Ugh what the fuck did she put in this soup? A goat's head or what?" Keith exclaimed, after he had calmed down from laughing. "You smell like shit, do us all a favour and take a shower. "

Bill did exactly that and unbeknownst to him his mishap was going to be forever remembered in the name of their upcoming album.

Goats Head Soup.

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