-A Day In the 80's-

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Request by mathildexcrsx

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Request by mathildexcrsx. Thank you for the idea and I'm sorry it took so long, that's why I don't take requests.  Well I hope the waiting was at least a bit worth it.

Warning: 80's.

So many bad fashion decisions. Omg.  

And well I'm definitely no 80's Stones expert. (I hardly know the 70's... Sorry no Brian. Yeah my motivation to read about the Stones might be a bit limited. ) But at least writing Keith is easy. 


By the time Mick yelled out 'Thank you, thank you, you were a lovely crowd', Keith had already left the stage. He had seen enough of Mick dancing around for the night. There was only a certain degree of Mickness one could stand a day and Keith definitely was past it this evening. In the 60's it had been fun and entertaining, after that it had only got weirder and weirder with every year.  

As did Mick. 

Keith hadn't exactly changed his style much, in his opinion at least, nor had Charlie nor Bill, but Mick went through different strange phases and Keith could never get high enough to fully forget about some of Mick's outfits. 

At least he had Ronnie now to keep him sane. Asking him to join the Stones had probably been the best idea after forming a band in the first place. Then again the bastard always stole his cigarettes and booze. 

Beside him the only sane person in this band seemed to be Charlie Watts, who had the patience of a saint usually, as long as nobody called him their drummer apparently. Keith nearly chuckled at the memory. He actually hadn't caught much of it or couldn't remember it fully, but enough to sometimes entertain himself with the thought of Mick getting knocked out by the gentle drummer.

As for Bill, well he was and had never been Keith's favourite person and he doubted that would ever change. They had a silent agreement to stay away from each other and everything would be fine. It wasn't that Keith hated the bassist, but if he had the choice he preferred to spend his time with somebody else instead. Bill was like one of those relatives you're happy to see only once a year, because they were exhausting, but they were still family, so you accepted them. Bill was a good bassist and had his uses, but Keith definitely wasn't sad if he didn't have to see him for a longer period.

"Are you fine?"

Keith turned around slowly, slightly surprised. He hadn't heard anyone enter, probably to deep in thought, trying to forget Mick's latest antics to catch anything else around him. Alone the thought made him freshly shudder. Mick definitely should wear a warning 'high maintenance' or something to avert people.

"I'm okay," he still mumbled. Patti would have understood him, he knew that, but sometimes it's easier to have a drink than complain all the time. Mick was not worth to lose his breath over.

"You don't look okay, you seem tired..." she said as she came further into the room. She stopped just behind Keith's chair and put her hands on his shoulders, making Keith sigh. She knew him too well.

"It's fine," he told her again. Patti obviously didn't believe him, but she knew better than to argue with Keith. He could be quite stubborn and she didn't want to exhaust him anymore.

"You'll get some rest when we get back home... It's been a long day."

And indeed it had been. 

The whole tour had felt like one very never ending day. Well tours often did, they might have more luxury than they did in the 60's, but in the end the stress was still the same. You never got too much sleep nor peace. Even Keith liked to have a moment on his one, usually he could just tell people to fuck off and they did. He was Keith Richards after all and no one messed with him, but even he couldn't get out of everything. 

He often had to do the interviews, Mick for whatever reason hated them, hardly any with him lasted more than 10 minutes. Considering Mick's ego and his exhibitionistic tendencies on stage, one would have thought him to be ecstatic to talk about himself, but no of course he couldn't do Keith a favour for once. 

On some days he didn't mind and on others he did. This morning had been a drag and nothing he had said had made much sense, but they had probably expected him to be high or drunk, so there's a high chance they hadn't minded his nonsense . 

He had been sober though.

Well for the most part.

Yesterday evening there had been some sort of party or something similar with people and drinks and well what guest would Keith have been if he hadn't enjoyed anything his host had offered him. One could say what they wanted about him, but he do had some manners, if he wanted to. 

The party contrarily to the interview this morning hadn't been so bad. Keith couldn't recall everything, but that what he remembered seemed like fun. His favourite moment probably had been Ronnie's run into the window. They had wanted to step outside to get a smoke and the younger guitarist hadn't seen the glass door and run face forward into it. It would have been even better if it had happened to Mick. Then again his big lips would probably have worked as some sort of cushion... 

For the others their best moment probably had been his own fall though. For whatever reason he couldn't recall no matter how hard he tried, Keith had ended up on a table. Tapping along with his feet to the beat of the music, when his heel broke off and he fell backwards off onto the floor.

Confused at how he had ended up on the floor in less than 5 seconds, he didn't react at first and the people around him suddenly got very quiet. Probably shocked as well or maybe even scared that Keith had at last done it and killed himself. Somebody even turned the music off and mumbling could be heard. Nobody moved though, until Keith burst out laughing, finally realising what had happened. 

He sat up grumbling about how he needed to tape his shoes now and the situation relaxed, after he had reassured everyone he was indeed fine. As if something as stupid as some little fall would kill him, please he was Keith Richards. 

His back hurt in the morning though, but nothing that couldn't be eased with some little helper and most of the interview he had spend sitting on a couch anyway. If it hadn't been for the stupid questions and for his bad mood, he might have even enjoyed it or at least minded the whole affair less. 

The concert on the other hand had been hard on his back, which was another reason why he had left the stage as soon as he could. He might love performing, but having to suffer through Mick's dancing and an aching back was even for him a bit too much. 

Even somebody like Keith Richards wanted on some days nothing more than to get home, read book, go to bed and have a normal day.

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