Chapter 6:Getting back together and Moving in with the McDonoughs.

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I was in the kitchen cooking my own breakfast and if u are confused,i can cook u know.

The doorbell rang,i turn of the stove and went to the front door.I saw Riley.

"What do u want?"i ask

"Please,come back to me?"Riley ask back

"Hmmm,let me think"i said and started thinking.......

"Please,i'll do anything"he said and now he's on his knees

"ANYTHING?"i ask and he quickly nodded

"U will be giving me everything i want and free Starbucks for me and Kathleen"i said

"WHAT?????!!!!!,really do i have to"he said

"Yup!"i said popping the'p'

"OK,first demand" he said bringing out his phone

"First u will sing 'want u back'byCher Lloyd and u will sing infront of of Braiden,Thomas,Toby,Connor,Kathleen and me and it will be recorded and post in youtube and u will wear  a chicken suit"i said and Riley's face fell

"REALLY!!!!!"he said 
"Fine,when are  we going to do that and where?"he ask

"In the House of Blues and after that u give me Starbucks Forever"i said snapping my fingers

He said fine and went to watch T.V "So that means a yes?"he ask"Yeah"i went to the kitchen and grab a plate and went to get my breakfast.

*Skip the eating and going to people'shouse*

We are at the House of Blues and Kathleen and i are laughing so hard that i can't breath.

"Ok,we got 1,000,000 views for the past 4hours"i said "Free Starbucks for everyone "i said and everyone agree and "Who's gonna pay?"Braiden ask"Riley those"i said,pointing to riley removing the chicken suit.


Riley and i were at the park walking"Um...Katherine"he said


"We will tour the world next week and i really don't want to miss u so will u go on tour with us?"he ask.I was thinking about it until an idea pop on my head

"Can i bring Kathleen too?"i ask with my best puppy dog eyes

"Hmm,why not the more the merrier"he said

"C'mon lets go to Kathleen 's house"i said and we went to my lamborghuini(A/N:I know i suck at spelling)

We are in Kathleen 's house waiting for Kathleen's mom

"I have some bad news"Kathleen'smom said A.K.A MOM

"What?"i said ,i am so curious

"Your mom died in a plane crash"she said,tears were falling ,i can't believe it my mom died

"Shhh.....It's ok"

"And your house will be sold to someone else"she said

"U can live with us"Riley said and i nodded

" can i go on tour with Before You Exit?" Kathleen ask and her mom nodded

"When do we leave?"i ask

"Next week"he said

"Katherine,u better start packing the owner will be at your house in a few hours"she said and we  say our goodbyes and went to my house

"All packed?"Riley said,I'll miss this place it holds my childhood.

I am at the McDonough house and we ar at the pool Riley was texting,Toby is in the pool doing laps ,Connor is cooking and i ,i was playing my feet in the water

This is A good move.A new Family


hey guys

so Katherin is living with the mcdonoughs

and dedications are open

Comment below if u want a dedication






How I Met Riley McDonough (A BYE and MCYT Fan Fiction/ Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now