Chapter 14:A suprise for Ms.Summers;)

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Kathrine's P.O.V

*A few months later*

I was at my room playing with little Ri"U know little Ri,what if Riley got a new girlfriend,what would be my reaction?"I ask him"Maybe get pissed and move on or cry and ignore him"I answered my question.There was a knock on the door"Honey,someone wants to see u"Joan said a.k.a MOM."Ok,i'll be down in a minute"i said and fixed my hair and went down.

I saw Kathleen and the boys whispering something"Hey Kath,whats up"i said "The ceiling"she said and i giggled a bit"Go get dressed and were something comfortable"she said and i nodded and went back to my room.I picked a cream skirt,a pink crop top and my white wedges.I apply a little bit of eye shadow,lip gloss and went down.

I was blindfolded by the guys and i was getting curius"Um,guys are we there yet?"I ask and they said no."Okay,stay here"Riley said and i was left.It was quiet too quiet."Okay,Kathy remove the blindfold"Someone said and i did what i was told and saw roses.I saw a card and it says'Follow the roses'.I followed the roses.

I reach the end of the path when lights flashed and i saw a figure of a man or a boy,hard to point out then it came closer"Hey "the guy said and i saw.....I saw JACK"Jack!"I screamed and hugged him"Hey,baby sis."he said."How did u get here?"i ask"I am here for a week.I was given a week to be with u sis"he said"So,how's your relashonship ?"He ask"Its going great"i replied.

We are at the McDonough house or should I say house Jack suddenly came to me"Baby sis,can I Ask u something really important"he ask"Of course"i replied"Can u have a job?"he said.WHAT!!!!!"Um,maybe,i'll find a job tomorrow,btw why do I need a job?"i said"Baby sis,i got fired on my first job but on my second job,there is a possibility I mite get fired "he said "Ok,i'll do it "

I went to my room and look for little Ri but I can't find him.I started to get a little freak out.I rushed down stairs"Guys,have you seen Little Ri?"i ask and they shook there heads and now I was in panick mode.i went back to my room to search for the jar but Jack burst in my room"Oh,here"he said and handed me my pet"How did u get hin?"i ask"Easy,your room was unlock"he Said.

Note to self:Lock my door,anyway,i went to my closet and picked my Riley shirt,Jack gave it to me and some black pjs and went down to eat dinner.

"Mom,is dinner ready?"i ask her"Just a few minutes sweety"she said and nodded and went to the living room"Why u wearing black ?"Toby ask me"I guess,I have a thing for the color black"i said and joined them and they are playing COD."Hey can I join?i ask cuz I am bored"Sure"Riley said and my red controller.

"Beat,you three!"i screamed"No fair!u cheated"The brothers say in unison"Who's the COD queen?"i said with my victory tone"You"they said one by one with a blank impression.I started to my victory dance when my brother came in"Who won?"he ask and they said me"I'll deafet u"he said "Try me"i said with a death glare.We started playing the game.

"Go man go!"the guys cheered on my brother and not me but that dosen't bother me.

*After a couple minutes*

"YES!"Jack screamed"NO!!!!"i said"Who's the best?"he ask mocking my tone"You"i said and started mumbling things"Dinners ready!"Mom said and we went to the dinning room.We are having steaks and mashed potatoes.I am not over that defeat.

*After eating *

I went strait to my room and heard the boys calling my name but I just ignored them.Flopped to my bed and dozzed off.

Jack's P.O.V

I defeat my sister on her favorite game on the whole planet and maybe she got a little pissed"Whats up with her?"Riley ask"Maybe i kicked her butt too hard and she maube got a little pissed cuz that was here favorite game of the world"i said,sometimes i make my sis scared,pissed and sometimes happy,sad.

Maybe i went to far.


hey yo,

like the chappy?

so give some ideas yeah and don't forget to






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