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Yoona's POV

I want to kill myself. I want to kill myself for hurting her. I'm not sure if I am really worthy of her because of what I'm doing. I only wanted to protect her but I am hurting her in the process. Am I doing the right thing?

"You should go and meet her, you look miserable." Someone spoke while I'm contemplating my thoughts. I looked at her and she spoke again. "You should just tell her."

"That's easier said than done, Yuri." I replied to my best friend. Yes, she's my best friend.

"You know I'll always help you, all you gotta do is ask."

"I... I don't know how."

"Should I kill her father so it will be easy?" Yuri asked and I glared at her.

"No, you're only going to make it easy for him. I want him to suffer to the point that he'll beg for his death. Besides, he's still her father." I answered

"Except that he didn't act like one." Yuri retorted.

Mi Young's father is the very reason why I am avoiding her. He threatened me not to be close with Mi Young or else he'll kill her. The only reason why I can see her now is because of the partnership of our company.

Her father needs so much money from her for his gambling that's why he can't argue with our company's partnership with them, Im's Corporation is one of the biggest in Asia. Actually, I planned that partnership so I can still have a contact with Tiffany.

--- Flashback ---

I am on my way to my girl's house because I am going to get her as promised. It was so quiet in the area they lived in. I knocked on their door and greeted the one who opened it with a smile but I was shocked to see who it was.

I know this person very much and it makes me nervous seeing him here.

"What do you need little girl?" He asked and flashed his evilish smirk at me.

Now I know, now I know why she wanted me to get her out of here. "Where's Mi Young?" I asked trying hard not to make it obvious that I'm trembling because of fear. Everyone would feel the same way if they know what this person is capable of.

"What do you want from my daughter, little girl?" He asked again and I honestly want to punch him in the face for the expression he is wearing.

"I am going to take her with me." I said. I was only twelve then and my own mother just died two months ago. He laughed very loud after hearing my statement as if he heard the craziest thing of all.

"She doesn't want to go with you." He said and smirked again being confident to what he have said.

"You're not her for you to say that. Mi Young will go with me and we'll live together!" I shouted at him with clenched fists.

"Go and try then." He said and stepped aside giving way for me to enter their house. I stepped inside and looked around.

"Go upstairs, the last room on the left is her room." He said and left me there. It could be a trap or something bad but I followed his instruction. It was true, Mi Young was there and I sighed in relief. She's lying on the bed and her back is facing me so I don't know if she's sleeping or what.

"Hey." I called her as I sit on the side of her bed and she didn't answer me. Maybe she's sleeping so I took a look on her face. She is indeed sleeping, she looked so peaceful. She's the most beautiful girl. No wonder I fell for her the very first time I saw her. Sounds so cliche but what can I do? That's the truth about my feelings.

I saw Tiffany opened her eyes and I smiled at her. "Come on, let's get out of here." I said.

"I would if I can." She answered and her voice is a little bit husky for the reason that she have just woke up.

"You can, you're with me. I'm going to get you out of here." I said and gave her an assuring smile.

"But..." she hesitated

"But what Mi Young-ah?" I asked her.

"I don't know you." She said bluntly and I got shocked but I was quick to shift my emotion.

"I'm Yoona. The one you meet near the river."

"The river? But this is my first time meeting with you." she said and I can tell that she's not lying based on her acting and the way she said it.

"Can't you remember me?" I asked her trying hard not to cry.

Mi Young shook her head innocently. "You're so beautiful but... I can't go with you. I'm sorry but I don't really know who you are."

My heart was broken into pieces as I go out of her room.

"I see from your expression that she rejected you." Her father said wearing his irritating smirk again. I ignored him and continued to walk.

"Don't you go back here or I'll kill you." He said and I looked at him. It's my turn to smirk now.

"Go on then, that's what you're good at, right?" I retorted.

I saw his expression changed and he went in front of me. He aggressively pulled my hair and made me look at him.

"Should I just kill her instead?" He asked and the beating of my heart goes crazy.

"Don't you dare touch her!"

"Don't you dare go near to her then or else she'll vanish from this world."

---End of Flashback---

I remembered that again. That was the time things go out of control. Shit really happens. Still a puzzle to me why Mi Young can't remember me. Every time we would meet, it's like the first time. There was this time that I accidentally met her at a cafe but she also said that she don't know me.

I don't know if she's pretending or what but it hurts me so much. Then there's our meeting on her company, that day when she cried again but it also looked like she doesn't know me at all. If she's just pretending not to know me then Mi Young deserved an award for being a great actress.

Knowing her, Mi Young is an open book so I don't think that's the case. I actually thought she's going to 'forget' me again after the meeting on her company but she seemed like she still remember me till now.

"Hey! Are you listening?" I was surprised when someone tapped me. I forgot that Yuri is still here. I was so caught up with Mi Young thing.

"I'm sorry. What was that again?" I asked.

"I said, you know my father is doing a very cool project which I think might help you." she answered.

"And what is that?"

"He and his medical team have this cool substance which can make a person forget a certain part of their memory. Just a specific part and not all of it, they're helping those with severe traumas so they can go on. So.... wanna forget Tiffany and be with me?" she asked and smiled playfully at me.

"You better stop Kwon Yuri." I said.

"Okay okaaay. Just wanted to help. If you don't want then fine." she said in defeat while raising both of her hands in the air as a sign of giving up.

"Besides, even if my mind forgets, my heart still knows."

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