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I was surrounded by a group of people that worshipped me, but I despised majority of them. I rolled my eyes and groaned. I didn't feel like being surrounded, most of them wanted to know who I slept with last night, or just to bitch about me. They shouldn't even bother to do it behind my back, I find out always one or another.

My best friend, Eleanor glared at them and looked at me and rolled her eyes.

"Get the fuck out of our way, youse are like paparazzi, leave before I make you leave," She yelled and everybody cleared.

I laughed at her, and gave her a high five.

We walked along the corridors of Jamison High, we were holding our folders with our bags on our shoulder.

"Eh, people are too clingy for my liking, Montana, you seriously need to reconsider who you sleep with, the stories change more than someone changes their underwear," El sighed and looked at me with sorrow eyes.

"Ugh, Eleanor, you worry way too much. Matt is such a quiet boy, he wouldn't tell anyone," I spoke with such certainty, I nearly thought I was a new person.

My vans made a sound walking along the corridors, majority of Jamison high are such quiet people, it's suicide silence. I groaned and fixed up my bag strap.

"Mon, you do need to reconsider who you sleep with, you choose the wrong boys. One put a knife to your neck! Your sluttiness is destroying you completely, man. Give up,"

"Look at the bright side I don't have a sexually transmitted disease,"

"There is no bright side, Montana! You make too many stupid decisions, you are seriously ruining yourself and I'm not going to stick around and watch that,"


I tapped my manicured nails on the desk, as the stupid teacher wrote algebra on the board in dusty chalk that made everyone sneeze.

I occasionally looked at my phone for a text message, but got none.

Finally my phone vibrated and I looked down in excitement.

Mom: you better be home on time, or severe punishments will be kissing your ass!

Me: ugh, god mom. I'll be home on time, I'll be like 5-10 minutes late, don't bother to wait.

My excitement left and I felt like crying, I played with the ends of my hair, I had ombré hair. I had blonde on top, then pink and purple. It actually looked cool. I had bright blue eyes that looked like the ocean (apparently), I was tanned and I was probably one of the most attractive girls you could ever lay eyes on.

I slept with a lot of boys, I was a player, also known as 'Jamison Slut', which doesn't bother me in any sort of way, it's the truth. I've slept with majority of the male population in the town of Jamison. No one really had a problem with me, nor do I have problem with them. I don't sleep with guys past the age of 20, I'm 18 now, I'm just about to finish schools. I never dressed like the way I am. I always wore stuff that barely shows anything, unless it's a party, then it's an excuse to dress and act like a slut. My mom does know of my actions, but doesn't bother to talk me out of it like Eleanor.

I live with my mom, just mom, my dad sometimes visits me, my parents broke up such a long time ago. They only wanted one child, they wanted a boy, but look who popped out instead! My mom wasn't happy with me, and never ever paid attention to me, that drove my dad insane, and mom constantly fought with him, so they broke up. They never got married, because my moms a hippie, she never ever wants to get married, we can barely even afford the rent for my home. My dad doesn't need to pay child support anymore because I'm a adult now. So we have less money, but we've been saving up, so far we have $4,000. It's honestly better than $20. I don't ask for anything, I got myself a job and so does mom. I get $50 a fortnight and mom gets $100 a fortnight. When we get paid, we go out and have a huge feast without any shame. It's the night where we stuff our faces and just don't give a fuck.

I'm hardly ever home to help mom out, I'm either drunk, high or having sex.

I do think my mom is worried and misses the old me, but I honestly don't know how to change back, I've tried but it's just too hard. It's like the biggest addiction to have. I do miss me too.


"Montana May, I swear on the angels grave I'll take everything off you," mom shouted at me.

"You can't! I'm an adult!" I shouted back.

"As long as you live under my roof, you do what i say!"

"I won't be here for much longer then, aye?"

Mom rolled her eyes and removed herself from the sitting room and went to her room and slammed the door. I sighed sadly and picked at my toenails. I know it's gross, but it's a habit I now cannot get rid of.

I flicked through the channels and Channel [V] was programming The Top 40. I listened and closed my eyes, and before I know it I fell asleep and the dreams consumed me.

I love being a slutWhere stories live. Discover now