Keep me company tonight

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Tyler: Hey Brianna can I ask you something?

Brianna: Yeah of course. What is it?

Tyler: Could you keep... keep me company tonight?

When those words reached my ears I just froze. I stayed in silence and it felt as if time had stopped and it was just me and him. Just us staring into each other's eyes for eternity. Heaven...

Keep him company? What does he mean? TONIGHT!? AT HIS HOUSE OR SOMETHING!? No idiot, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't invite you to his house. Shut up. Whatever just say yes, whatever it is, it's to help him. You're right.

Tyler: if you don't want to its fine. I'm sorry for asking, I just I- I-

Brianna: Yes.

Tyler: Huh? really?! Ok, great just ill call you ok? Thanks so much.

The way he lit up when I said yes, his smile? it's worth living for.

After seeing my world smile in complete joy, it made my heart shoot up to the sky. Class had been dismissed and as soon as I agreed he hopped up and ran off like an excited puppy to his next class.

I was still stuck in time. His smile engraved in my mind. That beautiful smile, that pure joy. He's all I ever wanted.

I love him. 

I stumbled out the classroom slowly, dazed and almost fully entranced. I took my time getting to my next class. The day went by fast by and it was after school before I knew it. Josephine was coming over to my house.

What if he texts me while I'm with her?? will she get mad?! Should I block him for a while?

Josie: Bri?

Brianna: Oh shit my bad I zoned out, what happened?

Josie: So are we gonna walk to your house or what?

Brianna: Oh yeah, um let's go my mom should still be at work till 9 I think so you can leave by like 7 or 8.

Josie: Damn you're just gonna hit it and send me to the curb? SMH

Brianna: What? OHMYGOD JO! NO! 

The walk to my house was great, I guess. Josie and I just kept making stupid jokes, mostly sexual cause that's just how we are. I didn't feel any pain because I got lost in the fun. Until...


 New Message: Tyler

I quickly looked at my phone and wiped away the notification. I was certain Josie didn't see me, she was too busy laughing. But I felt empty again, the feeling came back, hopelessness. I got quiet and focused my attention on the sidewalk. She noticed my sudden change of mood and she asked what was wrong. 

Josie: Hey, you okay?

Brianna: Oh yeah, I'm fine...

Josie: No you're not I can tell, what is it? Was it that message? Who texted you?

Shit, sh-IT, SHIT!!

She attempted to reach for my phone and I snatched it back and yelled. "NO!!!" "Whoa chill, I just wanted to see the message." "it- it was just my mom, she was giving me shit. I told you about my mom remember?" Since she was my best friend I tell her everything, she's the only person I can trust. Except, she's the only one who hurts me the most...

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