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Stan's POV:

3am. Alone. Again. I walk into Skeeters Bar. Wendy broke up with me again, except this time she said it was for good, because she liked someone else. She didn't even tell me who it is. What do they have that I don't have. I did everything she asked me to. I sat through her shitty 12:00am phone calls, girly shopping days and shitty gossiping sessions. I guess that wasn't enough. I wonder who she likes though. Whoever they are, she likes them enough to fucking follow them to collage. Fuck me! I walk over and sit down at the bar, twirling in the chair to face the bartender.

"Hey, we don't take kindly to folks like you!"

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, turning to a man in a pink shirt.

"Now Skeeter, I don't want no trouble." The bartender intervened.

"No, I want to know something from 'Loud Mouth' over here."

"What's that?" I ask.

"Aren't you a little young to be here?"

"Nope." I said simply before turning round and ordering a beer.

"ID please." The bartender said with a suspicious tone, tilting his head to the side. I sighed and pulled out the fake ID I got from Kenny. The bartender nodded his head and started to pour me a beer. The ID worked. I'll have to thank Kenny later. The bar was very loud. There was a few fights, people watching the game, shouting, laughing and people generally having a good time. I wish, that when I come to the bar in the future, it will be to have a great time with my friends. Instead of drinking away my problems.

~time skip~

It was 6:00am and I was little drunk now. I wanted to leave so I wouldn't worry my mother. I sway out of the bar and enter the cold morning air. The cold air made me shiver and hug my arms tight. I should of wore my coat. I tried to walk casually down the street, my feet crunching in the snow as snowflakes danced around me as I do so. As I was walking past Tweek's coffee shop I heard music coming from inside. I guess it's already open. I take a few steps back and open the glass door of the happy little shop. A blast of warm air and the coffee aroma that was flooding the air hit me as I step inside.

"Hello, welcome to Twee- Wow, S-stan... You look a-awful. GAH."

"Thanks." I reply sarcastically, sitting at one of the tables. There was a few more people here. Mainly just people who can't get to work without their daily fix of coffee. But, I saw some familiar faces to. Obviously there was Tweek, then there was Craig who was helping Tweek, there was also Heidi and Red sitting together and finally Token, who was probably here for Tweek and Craig.

'That it's too late to apologize
It's too late
Said it's too late to apologize
It's too late'

I look over to where the music was coming from. It was two boys stood in the corner, one about my age and the other a little younger. They both looked tired but performed the song anyway. The singer, the older of the two, was wearing a green hat and orange coat. He looked very weak and fragile. The guitarist, the younger one, was wearing a blue coat, had black hair and looked a lot more healthier than the other but, still looked miserable. Tweek walked over to pour me some coffee.

'I take another chance, take a fall, take a shot from you
I need you like a heart needs a beat
It's not from you'

"They came this m-morning to see if they C-could get a coffee. GAH! But they didn't have enough money, so they offered to p-play music in exchange for f-food and coffee."


"Yes. My dad let them s-stay. The speakers haven't been w-working for a while now anyway."

"Oh." And with that he walked back over to the counter. I looked over at the two boys again. They were really good, but they looked really tired. Just seeing them makes me tiered. The coffee was making me sober up a little but it left a pounding headache. Fuck man, I can't be dealing with another hangover. I'm gonna get fired.

'It's too late to apologize
It's too late
Said it's too late to apologize
It's too late'

I take one last look at the boys on stage, only to see that the singer was already looking at me. He quickly diverted his eyes and I felt my face become warmer. His eyes were beautiful, like a glistening emerald. Compared to his pale skin, his eyes lit up his face. To bad they have very obvious black bags under them.

'I'm holdin' on the rope
Got me ten feet off the ground'

They finish there song and bow to the coffee shop. Only a few people clapped, me included. Fuck, work! I'm gonna get fired. SHIT. I quickly run out the the coffee shop and down the street to wholefoods. I haven't slept. I'm gonna do a great job today.

Wait a second, don't I only start work at 8am.

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