Chapter 10: Lullaby.

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I open the doors to Kyle's hospital room, with Ike trailing behind me. The doors send a draft throughout the room, awakening Kyle and making him aware of our presence. He lifted his head and smiled. He looked awful however, he had a black eye, two stitches on his forehead, an arm in a sling and multiple bruises. Ike, eyes full of tears, ran towards Kyle, wrapping his arms around Kyle's thin torso. Kyle seemed to wince at first, however he calms down and wraps his unbroken arm around Ike, hugging him back.

"DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT AGAIN!!!" Ike cried, gripping Kyle's sides tighter.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Kyle's chuckled. He looked up at me for a brief second, smiling, before returning his gaze back to Ike and continued their conversation.


This chair is incredibly uncomfortable. I've been sat on it for 2 hours now. I wouldn't be surprised if an imprint of my ass was permanently tattooed onto I surface. I thought visiting hours would be over. I'm definitely late for work now, it's 10:00pm. I can't get fired, I need all the money I can get, ready for college. I did think about going, or calling them to say what happened but, I couldn't take my eyes off of Kyle. He's sleeping right now, face to the ceiling, eyes closed. Ike lay, curled up sleeping next to him. They were both hugging. They look so peaceful. I'm just in the way, maybe I should leave. But, I want to know what's been going on the whole time. I want to know what happened with those thugs. I want to know what he was talking about, when he told me the 'best friend' story. I want to apologise. I want to tell him how I feel one last time. *ding* *ding* my phone.

SexyKen: Yo. U out drinking again? Ur mom just called.

Me: No. I found Kyle.

SexyKen: ;P

Me: Fuck off. We're at the hospital, dipfuck.

SexyKen: Really? Wat happened.

Me: It's fine. I'm just waiting for him to wake up.

SexyKen: U didn't answer my question...

Me: He got into a fight. I just helped him out.

SexyKen: Saving the day as always.

Me: Whatever tell my mom I'll be back soon.

SexyKen: Good Luck.

I switch my phone off and put it in my pocket. I try to get comfortable in my seat, fail, give up and stand instead. Arrrgggg. I hate all this anticipation. The silence is killing me. I should just get some coffee. I hope these vending machines still work. I walk towards the door and tried to open it as quietly as possible. Unfortunately, it didn't work and sent a loud squeak, echoing through the room. Shit.

"Whoa! Where you goin'?" A sarcastic voice said from behind me.

"Sorry. Did I wake you?" I asked turning around to see Kyle sitting up, making sure to not wake Ike up.

"No, I was never asleep."


"Yep. I was kinda hoping you would start a convocation." He laughed sitting up a little more, now fully addressing me. I walk back over to the bed, reluctant to sit on the chair again, but I do so anyway.

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