Chapter 8: Fuck...

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Stan's POV:


"Stan! Please you've..." He tries to get his breath back to finish his sentence. "Stan, please help, Kyle's in trouble."

"Kyle's in trouble ?"

"Oops. I mean Kay."

"Don't worry Ike I remember him now. Where is he?"

Ike lead me to U-Store-It and ran towards a few men. We stood a few feet a way and watched. Kyle was being kicked, punched and spat on by the 4 men. He didn't even look in pain. He just looked... Numb. He is really brave.

"Let him go!" Ike called out with a worried look on his face.

"I thought we told you to get lost kid... Oh, I see you brought a friend! Haha."

"Listen! I suggest you step away before you regret it!" I shouted, with a lot of confidence. But, in reality I was shit scared. There is no way I could take 4 men by my self. Kyle was to weak to move and I didn't want Ike to get hurt. Mostly because I don't want Kyle to shout at me for letting his little brother get hurt.

"Okay. What am I going to regret? Uhh. Punching you in the face?"

"Shut up! Just let Kyle go." At that sentence Kyle painfully looked up at me a smile on his face. However, he couldn't look at me for long because one of the guys pushed his head down with their foot. I winced at the sight. I've hate him for so long, wished he was dead for what he said to me. I guess all of my birthday wishes are coming true. And I hate it. I want a new wish. I want to help him, but I know I can't.

"So, come on then loud mouth, what you gonna do?"

"Just let him go! Please!"

"I see how it is. All bark, no bite. Just watch, we'll kill you and your boyfriend."

"Hurt me, not him. I deserve it."

"S-stan..." I looked down and saw Kyle reaching out for me.

"Keep going fellas. Give him everything you've got." The 3 other men continued beating Kyle, only this time, with a lot more force. Kyle still didn't make a sound, he just let it happen. I'm so sorry Kyle. As I was about to negotiate with the man, I saw Ike run up and punch the man in the jaw. For a small kid who's on the streets, he has a lot of strength. The man was sent stumbling backwards. He looked at Ike and ran towards him, however, before he could, I kicked him to the ground. His head hit the the ground with an unhealthily loud thud. I didn't want to end this physically but I guess it had resorted to that.

"You fucking little fag!"

"I maybe a fag but, at least can fight a couple of teens." Why am I saying this again. I could never beat all four of them. The four men ran at me and I started to run away. In the corner of my eye I see Ike run towards Kyle, carrying him away. I ran as fast as I could. I ran through the streets weaving through the crowds of busy shoppers on main street and families playing in the park. I carry on running, not knowing where I was heading, just letting my feet carry me. I swung my arms in time with my legs, watching the white vapour swirl in the air from my heavy breaths.

I ended up running towards the church. And by the time I got there I had lost them. I guess being a quarterback for the football team does help. To bad there's no cute cheerleaders to cheer 'Go Cows' when you've stopped. Great I finally found Kyle and now I've lost him again. I guess I could check out the storage place again. I regain my breath and start to walk back, making sure to look out for those thugs, incase they attacked me again. I wonder why they even attacked Kyle on the first place. I stride down the busy street, my feet crunching in the snow, making my way back to Kyle. Lets hope he's still there.

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