Chapter 2: Coffee

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Stan's POV:

Finally lunch time. I CAN SLEEP! I smile at the thought. I was so tired and hungover that I stacked the bread in the freezers. I'm so glad I only get the morning shift on a Sunday. Then it hit me, I forgot to pay Tweek for the coffee before. I sigh in frustration. I start making my way over to the coffee shop. I'm so tired my legs can barely walk, I feel as though I'm gonna collapse at any second. When I finally reach Tweek Bros. I walk inside and walk over to the counter.

"So, hows it going little thief." Craig said, in his usual monotone voice.

"Shut up, I was late for work." I said, throwing the change on the counter. Craig picked it up and put it in the cash register.

"You start work at seven in the morning? I thought you only worked the evening shift."

"Not on a Sunday."


"Yeah, it sucks."

"When you leaving for collage?"

"Three weeks."


"Yep, only three weeks then I can leave this hell whole and all the people in it. My dad, Cartman, You, my sister and Wendy."

"Yeah, I heared what happened with Wendy." He snickers as he makes the remark.

"Oh yeah. What about it?" I say, kinda pissed.

"I just find it funny, that after all this time, Wendy ditched you for her best friend."

"Bebe, that's who she likes."

"Oh, you didn't know?"

"No she just said 'someone special'."

"Haha. Karma sucks doesn't it."

"Whats that supposed to mean?"

"I'm just saying, you seem to be pretty pissed, considering you did the same thing to her back in 4th grade . Karma."

"Hey, I didn't.... It wasn't...... Listen..... Kyle's gone now. I haven' t heard from him in years."


".....So where did those two performers go?" I asked as I only just noticed how quiet it was.

"Tweek took them into the back. He wanted to give them some food."

"Oh. Well I'm gonna go, I haven't slept since Friday."

"Man, do wonder you look like shit."

"Piss off. Just go fuck Tweek or something."

"He's not my boyfriend jackass."

"Keep telling yourself that."

"Whatever, see you around dickhead."

"See you around shit-faced cock master."

"Still using Terrance and Philip comebacks?"

"You thought I was cool for back in 3rd grade."

Craig gave me the middle finger, to which I happily replied with two fingers. I walked out the shop and started the walk to my house. It took a few minutes to get on to my street. As I was walking down my street I, once again, found myself looking at the Broflovski home. No one was there. I miss that place.

I saw a sold sign posted in the ground outside thier house. I guess someone finally bought it. After Kyle and Ike went missing thier parents moved back to New Jersey. I was so angry and depressed at Kyle, so I deleted all the pictures I had of him, his contacts and blocked him on facebook. Now, I can't remember what he looked like. I'm glad I'm leaving soon. South Park is just so shitty. So many bad memories.

I carry on walking down the street, eventually stopping at my house. I open the door and step in. It sounds peaceful, until...


"Hi Mom."


"I just went to Kenny's house. My phone died and then I had to run to work." I lied.

"You know my number Stanley! You should have used Kenny's phone." Good, she fell for it.

"Sorry mom. It slipped my mind. I'm going upstairs." I said taking my leave.

"Be more careful next time. I was worried. I'll call you down for lunch."

"Thanks mom!" I shouted from upstairs. I walked into my room and jumped on my bed. The house is so quiet now that it is just me and mom. Dad and mom got divorced, so he just lives in the PC mansion. And my sister has just moved out with her boyfriend. I slip under the sheets of my bed and rest my head on the cloud like pillow. I fall asleep almost instantly.

"Stanley, sweetie."

I wake up to my moms voice. She was sat on my bed shaking me slightly.

"You were really out of it dear. You work yourself to hard."

"I'm fine mom."

"Well come down for lunch. I've made us a chicken salad each."

"Thanks mom." I said as I crawled out of my bed. We both left my bedroom and walked down stairs. I feel like I've become really close to my mom recently. I feel like I need to look after her. She's been through so much and never failed to smile in front of me. She dealt with my depression when Kyle left, she dealt with my asshole dad being a dickhead to her for so many years, the divorce, my sisters bitchy personality and my constant rule breaking. When people said they have the world's best mom, I always thought it was cheesy, but it really applies to my mom. We eat our salads at the table, taking about college.

"Are you sure your gonna be okay without me?" I ask. I feel really guilty about leaving her.

"Of course dear. I want you to be happy and have a great college life."

"But I don't want to leave you all by yourself."

"Please, stop worrying about me. I've been talking to someone recently as well."

"You have."

"Yes, he's very nice. I'm sure you would like him. He really likes football, just like you."

"Well, I'm glad your dating again."

"Really Stan, I swear you care more about others than your self." I smiled in reply. I take both of our empty plates into the kitchen. I come back into the lounge and tell mom that I'm going Kenny's again. We hug goodbye and I leave the house. All I want to do is sleep but I know I wont be able to sleep tonight if I sleep now.

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