Chapter 7: Kyle!

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Stan's POV:

*beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*

I slam my hand down on the alarm. 9am. I look around the room and once again, Kay was not their. I stand up and stretch a bit. I then walk down the stairs and look around, no ones here. I guess mom did spend the night out. I'm happy for her. She's finally moved on from my dickhead of a dad. Good. I walk into the kitchen and see two clean plates next to the sink and a little note next to it.

Thanks for the hospitality. We both really appreciate it. I hope you have a great time at collage and if we see each other again. Don't forget we are best friends. ;P I took some food. I hope you don't mind.


PS: Please look at the photo on the coffee table. Thanks again.

Confused, I put the note down and walk into the lounge. I sit on the sofa and found a fold up piece of paper on the coffee table, just like Kay's note said. I unfolded it and looked in wonder. It was a picture of me and Kay, but we both looked younger. We were both sitting out side South Park Elementary holding hands, with a young Kenny standing next to us. How does Kay have this picture. I don't remember being friends with him. In fact, I just met the guy. Wtf. I'll go ask Kenny for help.


"Dude. You were here yesterday. What do you want now?"

"Shut up. I just need to ask you something."

"Fine. What it is?" Kenny asked, falling onto the busted coach. I take a seat next to him and pull out the picture Kay had left me.

"Who is that?" I inquired, pointing at the figure holding young Stans hand. Kenny takes the picture and looks at it closer. His eyes became wide and looked at me with a quizzical face.


"What? Who is it?"

"You really don't remember who this is?"

"Well, I helped some homeless kids last night and offered them a place to stay. When I woke up this morning, however, they were both gone. He left this on the table."

"What were their names?"

"Kay and... Ike." Kenny looked at me with anticipation. I just stared back at him still confused.

"Dude, who's the only person we know called Ike?"

"Well, that's Kyle brother, but what does tha-" I trailed off, thinking about what I just said. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I just saw Kyle for the first time in years and I didn't even fucking recognize him. No wonder he looked so happy when I accidentally called him Kyle. He thought I remembered. As much as I hate him. He still deserves to know I remember.

"You figured it out yet?"

"Yeah. Man I'm such a dickhead."

"Yep." Fuck. That means, when he told the story about his best friend, he was talking about what happened between us. His best friend was me. And that means....

"Fuck! Shit! Fuck! I have to go find him."

"What? I thought you hated him now." Kenny said, opening a can Pabst Blue Ribbon. I jump of the sofa and run for the door.

"I'll explain later. Thanks Ken." I saw him wave and I ran out the door. I sprint down the streets looking for him. He does love me back. And he didn't say those things because he wanted to. He said them because something happened at home. Fuck. I've been foolish. I can't find him. Maybe he's at the coffee shop again.


7pm. Still haven't found Kyle. I wonder where he is. I hope he's okay. Fuck, he better not have left town. Shit. He did come here to ask me for help. And, he thought I forgot about him. So, he might of left. Fuck. I'M SUCH A DICKHEAD. I punch my hand against the wall of City Wok. A shooting pain ran through my fingers, to my hand and up my arm. I instantly retract my hand and clench it with my other. Fuck that hurt.

"Wow hippie. What did that wall ever do to you?" A sarcastic voice called from behind. I turned round and saw a tub of lard in a red jacket and a blue and yellow hat. Cartman.

"Shut up Cartman, I'm not in the mood."

"Yeah, I heard that you fucked your old best friend last night."

"I didn't fuck him Cartman. I just helped him of the street and gave him a place to stay."

"That Jew rat doesn't deserve your kindness. In fact, he doesn't deserve any kindness at all. That's why I was hard on him."

"Listen Cartman. Like I said I'm not in the mood."

"Just because you didn't know the person you fucking last night, doesn't mean you can take it out on me."

"How did you find out about that anyway?"

"The poor kid told me."

"Cant you just call us by our real names for once."

"Nope. You will always be a hippie fag." I sigh and start to walk away.

"Just go and be a fat little piggy and eat to your hearts content at Shitty Wok! "

"Hey! Listen here you fucking fag-" I give him the middle finger and disappear behind a building. I keep walking for a while, looking for Kyle. Eventually, my feet start to get tiered and I decide to take a break and rest on a park bench. I sit their for a good few minutes before I see a small figure frantically run towards me. It was Ike!

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