Chapter 3: Kenny!

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Stan's POV:

Tiredly, I walk down the street, kicking the snow every few seconds. I eventually come up to the train tracks and make sure it was clear to pass. Kenny still insists he has died on the track many times. But if he had, then how is he alive and why don't I remember it happening. I cross the tracks and make my way across to Kenny's house. I walk past the homeless dog that slept outside the house and knocked on the broken wooden door. As soon as I do though, the dog started barking loudly and instantly reminded that I still have a pounding headache. The door flings open and i look down to see Karen.

"Hello Stan." She smiled brightly at me.

"Hey Kiddo."

"KENNY! STANS HERE! You can come in Stan."

"Thanks." I thanked Karen and stepped inside. Karen ran back to her room just as Kenny stepped out of his.

"Dude, you couldn't have at a worse time. I was about to have some alone time. If you get what I mean." Kenny said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Not what I want to hear."

"Dude, you sound rough. You got a hangover or somethin'?"

"Yep, and I've had to go to work. I'm so tired."

"So the fake ID worked?"

"Like a charm."

"I knew I could trust that dude."


"Anyway. I'm dying for a coffee do you wanna go Tweek bros.?"

"Dude, I've already been there like two times today."

"Okay, then what about the park."




"Dude, your game play is down. You normally beat me!" Kenny mocked.

"You know why I'm so tired. I haven't slept." I replied grumpily.

"To busy dreaming about Kyle~" Kenny teased, putting on a stupid girly voice.

"Shut up! At least I'm on fucking Butters!" I shouted, throwing the ball hard, at Kenny's stomach.

"Whatever. Anyway I'm gonna go back home. I promised Karen that I would take her to Ruby's for a sleepover."

"Whatever dude. See you tomorrow."

"Laterz!" Kenny said, running down the street towards his house, basketball in hand. I look at the sky. Sunset. It's beautiful. I put my jacket on, still sweating and start to walk down the street. I look down at my feet I really am tired. I feel like an insomniac. Or a zombie out the walking dead. Or a man who hasn't slept in 24hrs. That's me. I'm that man... I carry on walking down main street. Watching all the shops and businesses close for the night. I come to the crossing and on the other side of the road I see the two boys from the coffee shop this morning.

They were sitting on a thin blanket, separating them and the cold, wet snow beneath. They were huddled together, the older boy trying his best to warm the other. They both had thier eyes closed, so I guess they are both asleep. I feel so sorry for them. They must be homeless. Or maybe kicked out by thier parents. Or runaway's. I approach the boys stopping in front of them. I crouch down and tap the older boy on his shoulder. His eyes fluttered open and turned to look at me. When he saw me, his face faded red and is green orbs looked onto my face. I don't know what it is, but that face, looking at it makes me want to protect that boy. Like if I don't help him, he will break.

"Hey um. Your singing was really good this morning."

"Thank you." He whispered. His voice, it reminds me of something. I had the same feeling at the coffee shop, when he was singing. I looked down and then back up at him, an idea popping into my head.

"Do you have a place to spend the night?" I ask. He shakes his head in reply.

"Do you want to come to mine? We can give you some food and a bed, for both you and your brother." I say joyfully. His green eyes glisten in the fading sunlight. He nods his head rapidly. But after some thought, he drops his head to look at the ground.

"Are you sure? I wouldn't want to intrude."

"Of course. I hate to see people as young as you on the street."

"Thank you."

"Your voice is really nice. When you sing and talk." A blush forms on both of our faces. The boy wakes up the younger kid and explains what's happening.

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