Chapter 4: Kay?

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Stan's POV:

"Well this is my house. I'm sure my mom won't mind." I tell them. The the younger boy looks at the house excitedly. However the the older boy looks off, down the street. It looks like he is looking at Kyle's house. But that's ridiculous. He probably just saw a cat or something. I walk up the steps to door. I turn the handle and step inside my house. I usher for the two boys to come in and they do so.

"Mom, I'm home!" I shouted, but their was no reply. I walked over to the little wooden coffee table and picked up a piece of paper. I opened it up and read it.

To Stan,
I'm going out tonight. On a date. I hope you don't mind. I've left some dinner in the microwave, just heat it up. I'll should be home at 12am. If not, I'm sure your old enough to know why. See you soon.
Love Mom. Xx

"My mom's out at the moment. So we can just go upstairs." They both nod and follow me upstairs. I walk into my room and allow the other two to sit on the bed. I really want to sleep but, I want to learn more about them.

"Umm, we have spare room but it only has one bed."

"You can take that room. Go get some sleep." The older boy says to the younger. They both hug each other and then he exits, leaving me with the older brother.

"I'm sorry, you'll have to stay with me."

"Thank you for you hospitality."

"Don't mention it. Like I said, I hate seeing kids my age on the street. It's sad."

"Yeah." He looks down at his hands and it's only then that I notice he is shaking.

"Are you hungry?"

"Yes." He says, with his stomach growling.

"Let's get you something to eat then." I smile grabbing his hand. It's so cold and dainty. Almost like a girls hand. I pull him downstairs and into the kitchen. I grab some cheesy poofs and a glass of water each. I guide him to the table and we both sit down facing each other. He opens the bag and picks up one of the cheesy snacks. He place one of them in his mouth and eats it. His face lights up and he grabs some more and starts to devour the rest of them.

"So, what's your name."

"Oh, umm," he had a sad look on his face as he answered, "My name is....umm.... Kay."



"Sounds cool. My names Stan." He nods his head and takes a sip of his water. I do the same also.

"Sooo," I began, "Why did I see you in the coffee shop this morning?" He looked up at me and set his glass down.

"Me and brother Ike, live on the street. I found some change on the floor, so I was hoping I could get a hot drink for my brother."

"Wow. But, I haven't seen you around here before."

"We only came to South Park recently. We might know someone here to help us."

"So, have you found them?"


"What do you mean?"

"I found him but, he doesn't remember me."

"Oh, I'm sorry."


"I'm sorry for interrogating you. Let's just get some sleep. I'm sooo tired." He nods and I grab his hand again. Holding his hand makes me feel safe. It's a familiar feeling. I pull him up the stairs and pass him a blanket and pillow. He places them on the floor and sits down. He starts to untie is laces.

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