Chapter 6: Goodnight.

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Stan's POV:

Me and Kay didn't really get scared watching the movie. Probably because we spent most of the time making fun of everyone in the movie. Quoting lines, making jokes and mimicking actions and deaths. We had conversations throughout the movie as well. I got to know him a lot more. It felt strange though. When I talk to Kay, it feels as though we are best friends. It felt normal, natural. I'm not sure why. Maybe tomorrow I can help Kay get a job. Maybe at Wholefoods or Tweek Bros. or Walmart. I could offer to let him stay here for a few nights until he can find a place to stay. Maybe the person he was looking for, remembers him and his brother and take them in. I hope the turn out alright though. I leave for college in a few weeks after all.

"That was a good movie. But, I'm still not tired." I say looking at the clock. 5am. Shit.

"Do you have work in the morning?"

"No. I have the evening shift. I'm still tired though. But, I don't think I could fall asleep."

"Do you want me to sing you to sleep?"


"It works for my brother."

"Its worth a shot." I climb into bed and tuck myself in. Kay sits on the edge of the bed and ponders for a moment.

"Okay. I'll sing you a lullaby I wrote myself."

"Cool." He coughs to clear his throat and closes his eyes. He takes a deep breath and begins.

'Travel to the moon,
As the dream you weave, slowly comes to life.
No one else by my side,
As we laugh and as we dance under the fragile starlight.

Someday we will find the missing piece long forgotten,
Maybe then we can smile again.

Travel in silence,
Still it feels like you are just within my reach.
But I know it's a lie,
I'm sure my heart is tugging on the string that binds us

And when I see your bright eyes, it feels as though I'm back in time.
And I'm sure this little pain is still dear to me.

Please understand,
I'm here waiting for you,
even if the future awaiting us,
is unlike today.

Just listen closely,
Listen closely.'

Kay looked back at me and looked disappointed.

"I guess it didn't make you fall asleep then."

"No, but I'm definitely more relaxed now."

"At least it helped a little."

"That song was beautiful. You wrote that?"

"Yeah, I wrote it for my best friend."

"What happened?"

"Well, the night before I ran away, my best friend told me they loved me. Being the coward I was I ran away. I thought about it for a while and I was about to go see them again. But, something happened. And I couldn't tell them that I loved them back."

"Wow... I..."


"Hey Kyle."

"Hey dude. What did you want to talk to me about?"

"Well, you see... I... Umm..."


"I... If you liked someone... A-and you didn't know if they liked you back. What would you do?"

"Ummm... Depends if I was close to them or not."

"Well... What if you were really close to them."

"Well, I guess I would just tell them. There would be nothing to worry about."

"How so?"

"Well if your saying that we were really close and they decline my feelings, then we would probably still be able to be friends afterwards. Why?"

"Coz, I l-like someone. A-and I'm to scared to ask them."

"Oooooo. Well, just go ask them. It'll be fine. I will be right by your side."


"Yeah, now come on, let's go find the lucky girl. Who is it?"

"Well actually..."

~Flashback End~

"Are you alright Stan?"

"Yeah, it's just. That sounds like something that happened to me too."

"Really? What a.... Coincidence?"

"Yeah. Haha."

"Haha." This got awkward. I yawned into my hand and closed my eyes. "Thanks for singing to me. It helped a lot."

"No problem. Goodnight Stan."

"Goodnight Kyle."


"Huh?" I sat up and stared at Kay. He looked eager to find out why I called him Kyle. Now that I think about it Kay does remind me of Kyle a little. From what I remember about him anyway.

"S-sorry. I didn't mean to say that it just slipped out." He looked disappointed again. What's going on in his mind? "Anyway, goodnight." I felt the bed lift up a little and a little shuffling around my room. I guess Kay's going to sleep as well. I felt the room become darker and then there was a hush over the room. The only thing I could hear was the rhythmic breaths coming from both of us. Eventually I fall asleep again.

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